Rubber Tree Plant Care

Are your Rubber plant’s leaves curling or losing them as they fall off? Are they turning yellow or brown? Maybe they are generally looking drooping? This is the article with the Rubber plant care tips you’ve been looking for!

A native to Southeast Asia, the Rubber tree is a popular houseplant. It is known for its waxy and oval-shaped leaves. They have a beautiful, deep green color. Its leathery foliage is aesthetically pleasing and practical. It allows you to wipe the leaves more easily using a plain cloth. They are commonly used as floor plants because of their large and striking appearance.


The most important aspect of Rubber Tree Tineke plant care is to provide enough water and good soil conditions during its growth face. The most important aspect of Rubber tree Ruby’s plant care is to look out for cold air as it’s sensitive to it. The most important part of Rubber Tree burgundy plant care is to ensure not to overwater it as it’s sensitive to overwatering.

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ficus elastica on light background

It can grow as high as 100 feet in their homelands. When cultivated indoors as a houseplant, it can grow up to 10 feet tall. If you want to keep them smaller in size, put them in small pots to limit their growth. Consider putting them close to a shady area like a garage if you plan to grow them outdoors.

Suppose you wish to get started with this gorgeous addition to your home. We encourage you to check out this garden store, and we’ve had some great experiences. It will relieve you of the pain of growing them from seed. They may arrive with leaves that may seem brown. If that’s the case, you have to discard those leaves. They will regain their strength in no time!


  • it is an absolute pleasure seeing a plant a bit sooner.
  • You’re paying a very reasonable fee to avoid having to start from seed.
  • We loved receiving this in the mail.
  • The seller has had more than 2,400 happy people leave reviews.
  • The plant was bigger than expected.


  • You are buying a live plant, and things could go wrong during shipping.
  • Some people have received plants that didn’t look well. However, that wasn’t the case for us.

Having them around or near your garage is a perfect way to take the focus away from common eye distractions.

Rubber Tree Plant Care For Tineke, Ruby, & Burgundy

Here’s how to care for Tineke, Ruby, & Burgundy rubber tree plants.


Ficus Tineke has waxy, variegated oval-shaped leaves. They come in a mixture of green, white, and cream shades. The plant is easy to care for. This easy-to-care-for option is drought-tolerant and grows up to 1 meter.

Its leaves grow within a sheath, which then matures and grows even bigger as the new ones continue their growth. While it is an amazing houseplant, Tineke may trigger skin irritation in some. For pets, it may cause stomach irritation and vomiting.

If you want a Tineke plant, this is the place to get it from.

NameFicus Elastica ‘Tineke’
Item Weight4 pounds
ManufacturerPerfect Plants
Product Dimensions6 x 6 x 20 inches


  • The one we received was beautiful.
  • It was received and packaged very well.
  • It arrived adequately watered.


  • It’s sometimes not available on Amazon.
  • Some people received plants with broken leaves.


The Tineke variety needs to be watered consistently, especially during its growth phase. Watering should be scaled back during the winter season. To properly water Tineke, let the top part of the soil dry out and water thoroughly from there. As it grows, its need for watering also moderates.

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Tineke should be given indirect sunlight regularly for its variegated leaves to thrive. Make sure to rotate it every month to ensure that all sides receive enough sunlight. Too much direct exposure to sunlight could burn Tineke’s leaves in other plants.


The Tineke thrives in average room temperatures ranging from 60 degrees to 75 degrees Fahrenheit as a tropical plant. You should avoid levels below 55 degrees Fahrenheit. Cold drafts and heating vents are aæsp a no-go. Sudden temperature changes are bad for the Tineke rubber plant.

Tineke enjoys humid air because of its tropical nature, but it can also tolerate less humid temperature levels. If it feels too hot or too cold for you, it is probably the same for your Tineke. That’s the general rule of thumb.

Ficus Elastica Tineke


You can use the usual houseplant fertilizer once every month except during winter. You can also feed it with worm compost or liquid organic fertilizer, which should be diluted to half-strength. Fertilizers should be used sparingly after Tineke’s active growth stage.

The fertilizer right underneath this is what we recommend for all Rubber tree plants. It ensures proper care, whether it’s for your Ficus Elastica Ruby, Tineke, or Burgundy.

NameBonide 037321001089
Item Weight12.5 ounces
Product Dimensions3.25 x 1.5 x 6 inches


  • The plant we used it on almost immediately looked better.
  • It’s great for butterfly garden plants.
  • It works for a variety of plants.


  • Ensure it has the right mixture of nutrients your plants seek.
  • The container is a bit flimsy.
  • Make sure you follow the mixing instructions.

Ficus Elastica Ruby (Pink)

Ficus Elastica Ruby’s striking appearance is marked by its tri-colored variegated leaf patterns. Also known as the Pink Rubber plant, it features strawberry-colored leaves with splashes of cream-yellow and green.

This lovely color combination allows this low-maintenance hardy to add an extra pop to an otherwise boring space. Ficus Elastica Ruby is native to Malaysia and India.

This seller will not disappoint you if you want a Ficus Elastica Ruby!

NameFicus Elastica ‘Ruby’
Item Weight4 pounds
Plant or Animal Product TypeFig
Product Dimensions6 x 6 x 20 inches


  • It was packaged really well.
  • It was quite big compared to what I expected.
  • The plant was not overwatered.
  • It looked very healthy on arrival.


  • Once again, the product is not always available on Amazon.


It needs water once every seven to 10 days or when you notice that the top part of the soil up to 2 inches down is dry. The Ruby rubber plant needs less water during winter than other types. Regularly checking the soil’s moisture level will help you avoid overwatering. It’s the most common mistake committed by growers. Ensure not to splash the leaves, as this can lead to stains.


Ruby enjoys lots of bright, indirect sunlight. Consider placing it near a window. You must also rotate Ruby now and then so that all sides get ample light. Exposure to harsh light will burn the leaves, while insufficient light will affect its variegation.


It thrives in warm temperatures and is sensitive to cold air drafts. It may also react negatively to abrupt changes in temperature levels. If you plan on keeping it indoors, make sure not to put it right beside an AC or a heating vent.

ficus elastica ruby


You can feed Ruby with an organic house fertilizer once or twice every spring until fall. Some organic fertilizers have enough nutrients to last up to six months from the first time of feeding.

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The Burgundy variety measures 8 to 12 inches in height and about 4 inches in width. It can reach up to 40 feet tall if you put it on the ground. It got its name from its burgundy leaves, which in some cases look almost black.

While it is relatively easy to care for, growers often complain about Burgundy leaves turning yellow. It’s a problem caused by overwatering, which also happens to cucumbers. Here are some tips and tricks on how to best grow this variety.


As a moisture-sensitive variety, Burgundy needs water when up to 70% of the top part of the soil becomes dry. The water should be poured slowly without splashing the leaves. Let it flow through until it reaches the saucer. Watering should be cut back during winter. Overwatered Burgundys will display yellow leaves. You may consider using organic mulch to strengthen the structure of the soil and maintain its moisture.


Burgundy prefers bright, filtered light. If indoors, its best position should be close to a window.


The ideal temperature is between 65 degrees and 85 degrees Fahrenheit, especially if you want to achieve its dark red foliage. As with other varieties, abrupt temperature changes do not bode well for Burgundy. Burgundy will do best in an indoor location if you live in a cold climate.


A once-a-month diluted liquid fertilizer will support Burgundy’s growth if fed from spring to summer.


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