Dracaena is a popular no-fuss ornamental house plant that effortlessly adds depth and personality to a room. Beginner gardeners are often directed to it as it is easy to maintain and yields many benefits.
Its leaves come in different shades of green, while its stems are often textured. Most of its species are native to Africa, but others also come from southern Asia and northern Australia. While it is often grown indoors, it may thrive outdoors under subtropical conditions.
Dracaena Plant Care

Indoor dracaena plants can grow as high as three feet and typically feature glossy leaves. Aside from its effortless beauty, it is a practical plant to have. Thanks to its ability to remove toxins from the air, you’ll be healthier than before you got it. A NASA Clean Air Study found that certain Its species can remove harmful contaminants and toxins from the air. It’s especially good against formaldehyde.
If you are looking for an aesthetically pleasing ornament for your indoor space, Dracaena will surely have something for you. It’s also an easy-to-maintain option.
Table of Contents
Varieties & types
Dracaena has about 120 species of shrubs and trees, the same way there are many different varieties of Hibiscus. Some are more popular than others. All have interesting features and characteristics that make them ideal accents when planted indoors or displayed in public spaces.
Most of these species have sword-like green leaves and yield attractive foliage. They are not heavy eaters and typically require little to no fertilizer. The most well-known species include Marginata or Red-edge Dracaena. There’s also the Fragrans or the Deremensis. Make sure to consider Sanderiana or Draco as well.
Types | ||
Marginata | Red-edge Dracaena | Fragrans |
Deremensis | Sanderiana | Draco |
Massangeana | Janet Craig | Dorado |
Deremensis |
Braunni belongs to the smaller species under the Asparagaceae family and is also known as Lucky Bamboo. However, it has no connection to actual bamboos. Other types often used as ornamental house plants include:
- Reflexa
- Janet Craig
- Lemon-lime
- Cinnabari
- Warnecki
- and Compacta,
Some species have shinier leaves than others, like Surculosa. It’s also called Gold Dust Plant.
If you are new to gardening or are looking for plants that are easy to maintain, then you will never go wrong with any these. In this article, we will discuss ways to care for some of the most popular species and common questions when growing these.

Also known as Madagascar Dragon Tree, Marginata has sword-like leaves with red edges and narrow stems. Thanks to its low-maintenance quality, this variant is highly recommended if you are new to gardening. While Marginata is popular as an indoor plant, it can also be grown outdoors. But nurturing it outdoors requires warm climates as it does not do well in a cold environment for a prolonged time. In spring, its outdoor variety often produces small flowers. The flowers are white, whereas the fruits are yellow-orange. Read our article on purple flowers as well.
Components of Dracaena plant care | ||
Watering | Light | Soil |
Temperature | Fertilizer |
Marginata needs water when half up to two-thirds of the soil is dry. On average, watering Dragon Tree should be done every two weeks. You may water it slightly more frequently during warmer days and less often during fall and winter. At that time, its growth becomes slower when the weather is cold. Marginata is fluoride-sensitive similar to other plants, so consider watering it using non-fluoridated or distilled water. Brown leaves indicate overwatering, while yellow ones signal dehydration.
Marginata thrives in medium light. It’s a popular house option, but it can also survive in a low-light environment. The latter slows its growth rate and can make new leaves smaller than usual. Brown spots typically signal too much light, while pale leaves indicate insufficient light.
The ideal temperature for it ranges from 65 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Warm weather suits Marginata best, especially when it gets direct sunlight. If you live in a tropical climate, you can easily grow Marginata. Cold climates or temperatures below 63 degrees Fahrenheit may sometimes cause it to lean or curve.
Marginata does not require much fertilizer. You may feed it with liquid fertilizer once every two weeks during its early growth phase. After that, you can use controlled-release fertilizer at the start of spring. Feeding Marginata during winter is not recommended. As with any other plants, make sure not to over-fertilize.
Name | Marginata Magenta |
Brand | Costa Farms |
Different pot available | Yes |
Item Weight | 8 pounds |
Product Dimensions | 10 x 25 x 36 inches |
Size | 3-foot |
Fragrans (corn plant)
Another popular houseplant variety within the Dracaena genus is Fragrans, also called cornstalk. These lovely African evergreens effectively get rid of harmful toxins in the air. This type features solid green leaves and stems that are either dark brown or green. The latter resembles the texture of Lucky Bamboo. Other varieties of Fragrans are:
- Massangeana
- Lindenni
- and Victoria.
It is popular as a houseplant. Fragrans are also cultivated as shrubs or hedges, especially in Africa.
This type needs plenty of water during its active growth phase. Its soil must be kept moist during this stage as well.
Watering is typically reduced from late fall through winter, which leaves the potting mixture only slightly moist. However, you should avoid turning the soil dry. Misting should also be done if you notice that the edges turn brown due to low humidity. Non-fluoridated water is the most recommended as well.
This variety is recommended to be placed close to a window to get filtered sunlight. Ideally, Fragrans requires medium light. It can also live in conditions with low light. Keep in mind that constant exposure to very little light may result in stunted growth and lack of color variegation among the leaves. Meanwhile, too much exposure to direct sunlight may cause it to wilt. If you decide to place Fragrans outdoors, make sure to position it to get partial shade.
Fragrans thrive amid warm conditions, with temperature levels that range from 75 degrees to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Anything below this does not bode well for the plant. Fragrans’ leaves may become damaged if exposed to temperatures below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. At the same time, growth may stall if the level is below 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Winter and light frosts are not friendly to this plant.
Fragrans thrive in rich, organic soil. They may require slow-release or liquid fertilizer once every month during their growth stage. During winter, feeding should be done modestly or not at all. You can also use an iron drench to prevent yellowish leaves.

Janet Craig
Native to Africa, Janet Craig is a favorite home and office plant. It features dark green and shiny leaves that are shaped like a sword. These leathery leaves typically measure three inches in width and three feet in length. Janet Craig can grow as high as 15 feet, but its varieties grown indoors are much smaller. It is perfect as floor plants, but it can also be mass planted in garden beds.
Name | Janet Craig |
Brand | House Plant Shop Store |
Indoor/Outdoor Usage | Indoor |
Sizes | 3-6″ |
Soil Type | Sandy Soil |
USDA Hardiness Zone | 3 |
Janet Craig has low watering requirements. Make sure to have half of the soil dry out before watering. Janet Craig must not be left sitting in water to avoid root rot like other varieties. If you use tap water, set it aside uncovered overnight to let the chemicals evaporate. In terms of duration, it needs to be watered every seven to 10 days. The frequency of the watering depends on its size.
Janet Craig does well in medium-light conditions, where it grows much faster. It prefers filtered, indirect sunlight. It makes it an excellent choice for an indoor plant. If placed in a low-light environment, Janet Craig tends to grow slower and produces smaller and narrower leaves. Do not place this variety under direct sunlight, as it will cause the leaves to burn.
The ideal temperature for Janet Craig is from 65 degrees to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Temperature levels below 55 degrees Fahrenheit are considered harmful to it. You should avoid exposing Janet Craig to harsh winter conditions and blowing heaters as they can destroy the leaves.
Commercially sold Janet Craigs are usually sensitive to fluoride, so liquid fertilizer is the best supplement for them. Using fertilizers for this species is not a requirement. Fertilizers tend to leave behind salts, which could damage the tissues and cause the leaves to turn brown.

Dracaena Dorado

Dracaena Dorado is an indoor plant with long, dark green leaves and sturdy-looking canes. It is a native to Africa. It is undemanding and requires very little maintenance. Aside from adding depth and beauty, it helps clean the air by removing contaminants such as benzene and formaldehyde. Dorado is not pet-friendly as it can cause digestive reactions among your four-legged furry friends.
Like Anthurium, Dracaena Dorado requires moderate watering during its growth phase and slightly more than usual during winter. The soil should be dried out in between watering. Make sure not to leave excess water as roots do not like getting soaked for too long. If you see root rot or yellow leaves, then this may be an indication of overwatering.
Like the varieties mentioned earlier, Dorado does well in low-light conditions with partial shade. It prefers indirect sunlight as too much direct sun exposure may damage and bleach its leaves. You can give it up to three hours of sunlight a day. A known office and house plant, Dorado, is recommended to be placed next to a window to get filtered sunlight.
The ideal room temperature for Dorado is between 60 degrees and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. A light misting once a week may be needed if the air is too dry.
Dorado is a low-maintenance option that requires little to no fertilizer. You may consider feeding it with liquid fertilizer during the summer or spring. It is also perfectly fine if you decide not to. Remember that giving it too much fertilizer may lead to root damage.