11 reasons a car AC is not blowing cold air

As the entire country is often hit by sweltering heat during the hot summers, driving your car every day could feel uncomfortable. Fortunately, almost all vehicles have air conditioning systems as a standard. This option gives you the ability to combat extreme heat.

The air conditioning system only works when everything is operating as intended. Because it is a mechanical system, the air conditioning can occasionally fail as its components are prone to wear over time. 


The most common reason a car AC is not blowing cold air is that the refrigerant is empty. The most common fix for a car that is not blowing cold air is recharging the refrigerant. Other reasons include:

  • Refrigerant leak
  • Fan motor failure
  • Faulty cooling fan

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car refrigerant

Below we will show you how your vehicle’s air conditioner works. Additionally, you will find out 11 reasons a car AC is not blowing cold air. We will also provide you with practical solutions and show you how to fix them.

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The most common fix for a car AC that’s not blowing cold air is to recharge the refrigerant, which typically costs $150 to $300 when performed by a mechanic.

11 Reasons a car AC is not blowing cold air

There are many reasons why your car AC can stop working suddenly. Below, we will present you with the most common 11 reasons a car AC is not blowing cold air.

Here are the things we’ll be going through

  • The need to recharge the AC
  • Figuring out if you’re dealing with a leak.
  • Fan motor failure
  • A malfunctioning sensor
  • A cooling fan that’s not working
  • Clutch failure
  • A damaged compressor
  • Contamination
  • System restrictions
  • Too much refrigerant

Reason #1 – It needs to recharge

It is the most common cause. Your vehicle’s air conditioner is not getting cold enough, so it might need to be recharged. You can do it yourself, but you should seek the help of a professional mechanic at your nearby auto shop.

Reason #2 – There is a refrigerant leak

It can be difficult to detect because the refrigerant fluid can evaporate when it comes in contact with the air. But a skilled mechanic will have access to professional tools that will determine this cause for you.

It is often done by introducing ultraviolet fluids, which will show any signs of low refrigerant pressure in the system. Additionally, some other symptoms of a refrigerant leak include audible clicks or hissing sounds from the AC system. 

Reason #3 – Fan motor failure

The fan motor is located at the front of your car’s engine and can also be responsible for a faulty air conditioning system. While some cars will have one fan, others come equipped with two. It is important to keep these fans in good working condition to operate the system properly.

Reason #4 – Some sensors are malfunctioning

There are several sensors in your air conditioning system. If some of them fail, the functionality of this system is affected. Your vehicle has a central computer that collects data from several sensors. If the data is incorrect, the operations will be incorrect.

Reason #5 – Faulty fan

automotive cooling fans

The condenser will require ideal airflow at all times in order to keep track of the high side system pressures. The cooling efficiency can be affected by a faulty cooling fan. You can easily identify this by noticing the cooling fan operating differently when your vehicle is idling and accelerating.

Reason #6 – Clutch failure

The compressor directly depends on the clutch, which engages the rest of the unit’s internal components. This clutch is released back into the default position when all power is withdrawn. But when the AC clutch fails, the engagement of the compressor is impossible. 

Reason #7 – Damaged compressor

A compressor is responsible for pressurizing the refrigerant. If this compressor lacks oil, it can quickly fail. Once this happens, all cooling systems will stop working, and the internal temperature in your car will begin to rise. After you experience AC compressor failure, it is recommended to flush the entire system.

ac compressor

Reason #8 – Contamination of the air

The AC system must be free of air and moisture contamination for proper operation. It will ensure maximum efficiency, so it is essential to keep it clean. Even the smallest amount of moisture will cause problems within the system. 

Reason #9 – System restrictions

Several restrictions will serve as the cause behind poor cooling. For example, a restriction can force the refrigerant flow, often leading to a strong fluctuation in the system pressure. As a result, the cooling process also fluctuates. The internal temperature cannot be kept at a constant value.

Reason #10 – Low refrigerant

R134 car AC

Another common cause is represented by low refrigerant. This low level is caused by a previously unknown leak within the system. You should always pay attention to the structural integrity of your components. A leak should be located and repaired as soon as possible. Otherwise, this problem will persist.     

Reason #11 – Excess refrigerant

While this problem is the opposite of low refrigerant conditions, it should still be considered as a possible cause of a faulty AC system.

Excessive pressures can limit its efficiency, often caused by the system overcharging. It happens when you introduce additional refrigerant. You should always pay attention to the quantity and make sure you don’t exceed it.     

The compressor is running but not cooling.

Your day can get ruined quite fast if the air conditioning system of your car malfunctions all of a sudden. If there is a heatwave in your area, you might find your daily commute to be a difficult challenge. Most of the time, leaks or compressor issues are responsible for a faulty system.

If the compressor is running but not cooling, the fan or the radiator might be in trouble. Additionally, the malfunction could indicate that you need to recharge your AC.     

Turn on the AC at its maximum power and set the fans to a high level. Make sure that the clutch is engaging the compressor. Suppose the clutch is constantly engaging and disengaging often. In that case, it is a clear sign of low refrigerant, and you should increase its levels.   

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