Dangerous & safe CPU temperature ranges

The majority of people who own computers are rarely disturbed by their CPUs’ performance or even factors that affect the performance.

When it operates at optimal conditions, a computer runs smoothly. It completes the tasks assigned as efficiently as designed. The most critical factor to a CPU is temperature levels, with higher ones slowing down operations. It can even lead to its general shutdown as a mechanism of preventing it from getting ruined.


Normal temperature ranges for a CPU are between 60 and 70 degrees. However, CPU temperatures up to 100 degrees Celsius are safe when gaming. Depending on your computer, CPU temperatures above 100 degrees Celsius are dangerous.

In this article, we’ll also look at the following:

  • How to lower it
  • How to figure out what yours is at

If your laptop has issues and seems to get into the ranges, your components may be at risk. Check out this cooling pad! We love how it helped performance during long gaming sessions!

Amazing cooling pad
Here's what you need if your laptop is having issues staying as cold as it ideally should be when you're gaming. This could really save your device.

Getting to know your computer’s temperature is very easy. Modern motherboards have preinstalled thermal sensors that give accurate real-time readings. To get the readings, you may need to install software applications tailor-made to give accurate readings in Windows. Older versions of Windows don’t have built-in apps that can read and report when the computer is in use.

circuit board

Dangerous & safe CPU temperature ranges

You rarely find a CPU temperature that is dangerous for a CPU unless it is too high. Modern Intel and AMD (Ryzen) processors can handle temperatures as high as 100 degrees Celsius, at which point it’s dangerous for your CPU. These were previously viewed as too high.

However, A PC idling at 60, 70, 80, or 100 degrees Celsius is too hot for its CPU. A suitable remedy needs to be found to get the component working back at normal levels. Acceptable levels in terms of an idling one is a maximum of about 10 degrees Celsius above the ambient temperature. This will indicate that your system is likely capable of getting rid of excess heat, thereby ensuring its longevity.

For CPUs in use for normal activities that do not strain it, temperatures as high as 60 degrees Celsius and 70 are allowed. It depends on the tasks it is performing.

For activities that engage it at extremely high levels, the range in which it starts becoming dangerous will vary depending on the model. Gaming will cause higher temperatures. Newer models will still operate optimally at temperatures as high as 90 degrees or even 100. When you start going higher than 100 degrees Celsius, you start entering an area too high.

Most CPUs’ optimal range for operation ranges between 85 to 95 degrees Celsius at full load, whether Intel or AMD. 40 to 50 degrees Celsius is optimal while idling.

What is good?

There is no single CPU temperature that is said to be optimal. There are ones that you can work with depending on the model of your computer processor and the tasks your computer is running.

While in use, a gaming model has a higher range than one idling at the time. Ones that are in use will have a higher temperature than those that are idling at the time. It’s at least the case in most situations.

The temperature when processor shows signs of overheating
Not heavily engaged60º C
High-performance processors90º C
Newer, high-end models110º C

Good temperatures for idling PCs vary with the room’s conditions. At times it gets up to 10º Celsius above the surrounding conditions. Those are good conditions for an idling computer. For PCs that are not heavily engaged, conditions higher than 60º C indicate that the system may be overheating. You want to take measures to prevent it from getting damaged.

If you suspect your laptop’s running hot, we recommend you get this fan cooler. It’s placed on the side of your laptop and will constantly monitor the temperature as well.

BrandIETS Laptop Fan Cooler With Temperature Display
Country of OriginChina
Item Weight4 ounces
Product Dimensions3.46 x 3.15 x 1.54 inches


  • It’s one of the best external coolers we’ve tried.
  • It’s lightweight.
  • It helps keep the computer cool as it should.
  • The installation was easy.


  • It’s quite ugly how it sticks out.
  • It has a bit of sound to it.
  • Buttons are hard to find without light.
  • The instructions could have been better.
IETS Laptop Fan Cooler
This unit will tell you if you have an issue with your laptop.

Modern computers have been designed to handle several tasks at once and manage higher ranges without malfunctioning. They’ll also take measures to avoid shutting down. Slimmer laptop models such as the MacBook will handle relatively higher temperatures. At the same time, they’ll perform as expected.

Some processors can comfortably manage their tasks in conditions as high as 90º C without shutting down operations.

Make sure to check out our guides on sheet metal and wood chippers, too.

How hot should it get?

The temperature can be used as a test of how well or poorly it functions under intense video rendering and gaming playing. It is normal for them to get hot while used, especially under intense operations.

While under intense conditions, it can get as hot as 90º C. Some newer models can sustain internal conditions of about 110º C. You should reduce the functions of your system once it gets to 90º C to protect it from getting destroyed.

It starts to malfunction at extremely high temperatures and might ultimately shut for self-preservation. Such conditions significantly reduce the component’s lifespan.

Running at 100%

task manager on a computer

It is quite abnormal to have a CPU running at 100% capacity. It ultimately leads to the processor becoming unnaturally slow and unable to run its processes comfortably. A computer running at 100% could be running many tasks at once. It can also be a task that requires a lot of attention from the CPU cores, thus taking nearly all of them.

Some of the common causes it is running at 100% include the following;

computer fan

Reasons for 100% usage

  • Too many background processes

Background processes run on the processor but are not opened by any window. As you use your Windows or OS, there will always be programs that run in the background. They support your PC’s running for the programs to operate smoothly.

With time while using your PC, you add more software. The number of background processes increases. After some time, you may end up having more than your PC can support. At such a time, the usage increases significantly. It may start to malfunction or run basic tasks slower than usual.

Svchost.exe (netsvcs) process

Many users have attributed Scvhost.exe as a cause for high CPU usage. You need to check it out in the event of high levels of stress on your PC. You can check it out in the Task Manager to find out if it is in your processor already.

If it is already there, you can stop it from running and assign it only one core.

WMI Provider Host (WmiprvSE.EXE)

This is a service that a PC cannot run without because it helps run applications. Without it, the applications cannot run. At times, WMI may have prolonged high CPU usage due to another software requesting a lot of data.

In the event of prolonged high CPU usage, it is usually an indication that all is not well. Corrective measures need to be taken to achieve normal usage. You might have to restart your computer to achieve normal usage.

Annoying Virus or Antivirus

Some viruses lead to high CPU usage slowing down your activities while on the PC. You can at times also find an antivirus that is causing high usage. In such a situation, you are advised to clear the virus. If the antivirus causes it, you can restart it to see if it can reduce its strain.

System Idle Process

System Idle Process is usually an indication of how many resources are ready for use in a PC. The higher the system Idle percentage, the more available resources for use in the CPU. System Idle Process is a way of utilizing resources as it awaits being assigned tasks.

CPU settings on a laptop
electrical components

Want a guide on either generators or 20,000 BTU air conditioners? Those are things we’ve covered as well!

BIOS Settings on Windows 10 pc

Checking CPU temperature is a new feature that was included in Windows 10. You can easily use the Task Manager to check it, where you can even check it for the GPU.

To check, open the Task Manager. Click the ‘Performance’ tab and look for the CPU and GPU as listed in their respective sections.

BIOS mode of temperature checking is not suitable for stress testing as you have to go to the task manager to check it when off the apps.

Third-party apps

You can download 3rd party apps like Prime95 to check the GPU and CPU temperatures while at work. The apps can stress check the GPU at abnormal levels to check its behavior while under load. The tasks get simulated to about 100%, and the real values of the CPU can be determined while under load.

You can also use third-party programs to see it while under normal use. If you are only interested in checking the conditions of your CPU, you can disable the stress-checking bit.

Several measures can be put in place to lower the temperature, even under high workloads. The measures can be used to regulate the temperature and avoid having them get high. That is if you follow the instructions.

inside a computer

How to lower your CPU’s temperature

Relocate your setup
The position of your PC in a room determines the temperature to a very large extent. If well placed, it can help reduce the chances of overheating.

Ensure that the position of your setup is not blocked by anything to get free air circulation. The fan should have free access to work. It will enable easier and more efficient air supply to the fans. Relocating the PC allows proper movement of air for fans to draw in enough and expel the air for optimal cooling. You can also place it close by a casement air conditioner to ensure there is enough cold air passing by it. Observe whether your system gets colder as a consequence as well.

Clean out dust.
A PC accumulates dust when left stationary for a long time, just like any other equipment. Dust makes it hard for fans to operate by obstructing their movement. You are generally required to clean the dust from the fans.

You can clean the fans by blowing compressed air over them to remove the dust. It is advisable to clean the fans outside the house or in the garage to avoid dust accumulation in the house.

Get a bigger tower.
You might sometimes have your PC at consistently high temperatures even while idling. It shows a lack of air circulating through the fans in the CPU tower. The fans could also be maxed out, leaving no room for additional fans installed in the tower.

When looking for a new tower, look for one that can handle more fans for better circulation. If possible, acquiring one with side-mounted fans is better.

Adjust the fan position.
Proper fan positioning gives your setup an advantage of fast cooling by ensuring that hot air is not trapped in the tower. Top and side fans can be designed to draw in cool air. The bottom and side fans can be designed to expel hot air from the tower.

Boost the fan speed.
Computer fans usually come at a preset speed determined for cooling the PC while in operation. Suppose you intend to use it at enhanced usage levels continuously. You can enhance the fan speed through programs or externally for external fans.

Keep the case closed.
Opening the tower casing might look like a good cooling method. It is not advisable or as effective as expected. Proper fan positioning and a tightly closed tower are much better. There will be a clear pathway for sucking in cool air and blowing out hot air as needed.

Proper cable management
Proper cable management does not only aid in keeping the component cool. It also gives an aesthetical look to the arrangement in the tower. If kept as advised, a neat wire arrangement will be sufficient space for efficient air circulation for optimal operations.

Replace the thermal paste.
Thermal paste is applied between CPU and coolers to help have the temperatures remain low while in use. With continued use, the paste dries off. It loses its cooling capabilities, which is why you need to replace it.

Just underneath, you’ll find the absolute best thermal paste available. If you care about your computer’s performance or durability, this is the product you want.

Also comes withSpreader
Item Weight0.141 ounces
Product Dimensions1.2 x 2.8 x 5.9 inches


  • Thermal paste is really the way to go.
  • ARCTIC is the go-to brand for thermal paste.
  • It will also work for your PS4.
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  • The packaging was questionable.
  • The spreader didn’t do much good.
  • Some people received their orders without the spreader.
Thermal Paste
The MX-4 thermal paste is what you will want.


The allowable temperature ranges can be easily subdivided into three categories according to their use:

  1. While idling
  2. Normal use
  3. Under high load

While idling, the expected temperature is about a maximum of 45 degrees Celsius or 10 degrees above how hot your room is.

Under normal use, the normal maximum operating temperature is about 60 degrees Celsius or lower. It depends on the condition of your unit.

Models such as the Intel i7 can handle temperatures as high as 95 degrees at full capacity. It is advisable to remain below 85 to reduce the chances of the component getting spoiled fast. If it exceeds 85, look for cooling remedies. You want to ensure your system gets the adequate cooling and protective measures it deserves!

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