The boat these days is in Palma de Mallorca. Its owner is the Russian oligarch Oleg Burlakov, who paid nearly 200 million dollars for this prodigy of technology.
It is impossible to ignore it. There is no point on the island from which you can not see any of the impressive masts of the Black Pearl. It’s the most spectacular sailboat in the world.
The vessel has sailed the seas since the end of 2018. One of its preferred destinations has been the Balearic Islands, which it visited last year.
The most spectacular sailboat in the world is the Black Pearl, which is owned by the Russian oligarch Oleg Burlakov. The divorce that makes the Black Pearl tremble implies the entitlement of Burkalov’s wife to a substantial part of the family fortune, including the famous sailboat.
From the weekend, all the visitors of Palma de Mallorca wonder where a sensational machine could have come from. Who will be its mysterious owner?
The Black Pearl is a prodigy of technology applied to the world of sailboats. The name was chosen to pay homage to the movie ‘Pirates of the Caribbean.’ It is 106 meters long, making it the largest sailboat in the world.
It is modeled in steel, aluminum, and carbon fiber. It combines the use of candles with solar energy to move its mammoth structure. However, it seems light on the sea.
Its owner is the Russian oligarch Oleg Burlakov, who has jumped to fame precisely because of his boat. Burlakov created an oil and gas companion with another partner in 2005.
In 2014 he decided to sell it and received an amount of close to 600 million dollars. It is estimated that 30% of that money has gone to the Black Pearl, which has all the amenities. Burlakov’s fortune is currently divided between cement, banking, and natural gas.
The divorce
The sailboat has six cabins that can accommodate 12 guests. In addition, it has a hydromassage pool and enough space for the 18 crew members needed to move the boat.
Not much is known about the interior, among other things. It’s because Oleg Burlakov rightly worries about his safety and his family. In 2018 he denounced an assassination attempt.
According to the ‘Moscow Times,’ a stranger called him while driving his Cadillac. When he lowered the window to know what he wanted, the stranger fired several shots at the vehicle. The millionaire was unharmed, fortunately.
What does not seem that it will leave unscathed is the divorce. According to Russian law, Burlakov’s wife is entitled to a substantial part of the family fortune. It includes the Black Pearl if they consider it in the agreement.
According to several media outlets, the 69-year-old oligarch is going out with a young and beautiful celebrity from the country. Her name is Sofiya Shevtsova, and she’s a model by profession. Who knows what has cost her marriage and who knows if the sailboat will be included?
The Black Pearl was built at the Oceanco shipyard in Rotterdam. It has three self-rotating masts that are 70 meters high, each with six yards.
It’s the equivalent of a 15-story building, approximately. The sails are stored in the clubs to be deployed in record time. It is a spectacle to see it sail with its black sails deployed and its masts reflecting the sunlight.