Do sharks like the taste of humans and their blood? The answer will surprise you.
Learn why it’s the case.
The question of whether or not sharks like the taste of human flesh is an interesting one. It’s also difficult to answer since there have been so few recorded cases of shark attacks on humans. While there are no conclusive answers, it’s still fun to speculate.
Sharks do not like the taste of human blood and think we smell & taste bad. Sharks think human blood smells and tastes bad because of the amount of salt in our bodies and because we’re too bony for their usual diet.
In this article, we also cover the following topics:
- Your chance of survival in an encounter
- What sharks prefer eating
Table of Contents
- Sharks Are Not Known To Be Man-Eaters:
- They Are Not Attracted To Us:
- They do not look at us as potential food sources:
- They Prefer Fish
- We Even Smell Bad To Them
Sharks Are Not Known To Be Man-Eaters:
Most sharks will not consider a person as suitable prey. They do not like the taste of humans. It’s because we are made mostly from water and have a very different biochemical composition than fishes.
Here are the most common shark types and their characteristics.
Shark type | Characteristic |
Great White Shark | Large and powerful apex predator |
Bull Shark | Commonly found in shallow coastal waters |
Tiger Shark | Aggressive and solitary hunter |
The severity of injuries and fatality rate depends on the shark’s size and swimming speed. But it is known that most sharks only bite once and do not come back for more.
People often mistake this single attack as an aggressive behavior when in reality, the shark might’ve been just curious.
Some shark species like the bull shark and oceanic whitetips can be aggressive. However, none of them are known to attack humans to eat them. It must be noted that sharks are killed in the sea by other predators like killer whales. So, they’re not truly invincible.
When there is blood in the water, sharks go into a feeding frenzy. This is when they try to devour any living thing nearby for their survival instincts to kick in. It doesn’t matter if it’s their species or not. But if there is enough food nearby, they might return.
Sharks have evolved over millions of years. And the few reports of shark attacks always involve people swimming where they shouldn’t.
Most of the sharks known to attack humans are not even large. These lethal creatures include the blue shark, silky shark, shortfin mako shark, and oceanic whitetip shark.
Great white sharks are also considered one of the most dangerous sharks, but they are not known to be man-eaters. They are also more merciful than one may think. Take a look at these interesting facts about great white sharks:
- They can swim up to 25 miles per hour.
- Great white sharks have a lifespan of 70 years.
- They can sense a drop of blood in a million drops of water.
- Great white sharks are the largest predatory fish in the world.
A great white shark will always prefer drowning its prey in deep waters rather than biting it to death on the surface.
Apart from this endangered species of shark, a few others like the tiger shark may attack a human being or a boat if it is feels threatened.
The reason is that they are very much used to swimming from one place to another and can be found in any habitat of their choice.
They Are Not Attracted To Us:
Sharks tend to avoid interaction with humans for two main reasons. They can sense our presence using their electro-receptors. They know we taste bad because of how much salt is there in our bloodstreams.
The only time sharks may come into contact with us is when we venture too close to them. They could also mistake us for prey like seals in some cases. Most people who go missing at sea end up drowning before being eaten by sharks.
Most shark attacks are considered ‘test bites’ because the shark isn’t sure if it’s prey or not. Sharks usually tear off muscle tissue to determine whether or not it’s food. This is why many people report being bitten along an entire limb before the shark lets go.
For the most part, sharks are naturally curious animals. They don’t want to eat humans because they’re not worth the effort, nor do they have any desire for human meat.
Sharks are opportunistic hunters, which means that they’re always on the lookout for an easy meal. They have a tendency to go after prey that’s sick and injured.
Shark attacks on humans usually happen without much warning. And are often linked to activities like surfing, diving, or simply swimming in areas where sharks are known to exist.
They do not look at us as potential food sources:
Most people believe that sharks see humans as prey. However, this is not true. Sharks do not target humans unless they’re in the water and within proximity. Sharks are believed to attack out of curiosity more than anything else.
Usually, a shark will feed on:
- Small fish
- Crustaceans
- Jellyfish
- Sea turtles
- Seabirds
Surprisingly, sharks have been observed going out of their way to avoid contact with humans at all costs. There are several documented cases of Great white sharks swimming miles out to sea simply. It’s because there were humans on boats nearby.
They Prefer Fish
It’s quite evident that sharks favor hunting fish over humans. If they’re hungry, they go for the fish first. Humans are too bony to be of any real interest to them.
However, sharks like some types of fish more than others. Sharks prefer softer prey items like seals, dolphins, and sea turtles. Sharks have highly evolved senses, making them the apex predator in the ocean.
The majority of sharks have highly evolved senses, making them incredibly skilled in hunting prey in the ocean. Like other fish, they locate their prey by both sight and smell.
Sharks can see their prey even in murky water because their eyes are adapted for this. They also possess sharp teeth perfect for grabbing onto their prey. Sharks also have a special organ called a lateral line.
This is used to detect vibrations in the water from struggling fish and other animals, such as seals and turtles. Once they make their catch, sharks bite down with sharp teeth. They drag their prey into deeper waters where they can finish eating it.
Sharks are often depicted in movies as vicious man-eaters. But the truth is that they prefer easier prey. Most sharks aren’t interested in hunting humans.
Not only are people too bony for their taste, but there’s not enough meat on our bodies to satisfy them. There have been many cases of sharks attacking people, but these are mostly because they were confused.
Most shark attacks occur when many animals move around during feeding times, and the risk of confusion is higher. There have been cases of sharks attacking people that were swimming.
The chances of you dying from a shark attack are extremely low. You have way more chance of dying from a bee sting or a dog bite than a shark bite.
Cause of death | Chance of dying |
Shark attack | 0.00003% |
Plane crash | 0.0018% |
Bee sting | 0.02% |
Dog bite | 0.4% |
Car accident | 1.2% |

Sharks have a lot more to worry about:
People are constantly hunting them for their fins. Environmental changes also affect shark populations, such as pollution and overfishing.
Sharks reproduce at a slower rate than other fish. They only give birth to a small number of offspring throughout their lifetime. Shark attacks on humans are extremely rare, considering how many people go in the water every day.
We Even Smell Bad To Them
Sharks have an amazing sense of smell. They can detect one drop of blood in the water from several meters away. However, sharks find human scent repulsive. Shark attacks on humans are extremely rare and can often be attributed to curiosity rather than hunger.
Sharks prefer fish over anything else, which is why most shark bites happen when people mistakenly swim into feeding areas. So, in conclusion, humans may not be the ideal food source for sharks.