Everybody enjoys a beautiful garden or front lawn, but we love our pets equally! Some plants and flowers may be toxic to your furry friends. It’s important to learn which ones should be avoided around and outside the house if you have cats.
That’s why this article will help you learn which plants and flowers are toxic and safe for cats.
Say hi to Lela. She will be your friend throughout this journey!
Succulents, orchids, and Bromeliads are some of the best plants to have around cats as they are completely safe. However, you need to make sure to steer clear of daisies, aloe vera, and snake plants, as these are some of the most common plants that are toxic to cats.
We also cover a full list of the following:
- A table of which plants are toxic
- A table of which plants are safe
- How to keep your cat away from certain plants
Table of Contents
- Table of toxic plants for your cats.
- What plants are safe to have in the house with cats?
- Which plants are most toxic to cats?
- What Plants can kill a cat?
- Table of completely safe plants for cats
- That’s it, folks!
Table of toxic plants for your cats.
Study our table below if you’re looking for a glimpse of ones to avoid in a house full of kitty cats.
Toxic plants chart | |||||
Adam-and-Eve | Chinaberry Tree | Fleabane | Lacy Tree Philodendron | Palm Lily | Sowbread |
African Wonder Tree | Chinese Evergreen | Florida Beauty | Lady-of-the-night | Panda | Spanish Thyme |
Alocasia | Chinese Jade | Florist’s Calla | Lambkill | Paper White | Spindle Tree |
Aloe | Chives | Foxglove | Lantana | Paraguayan Jasmine | Split Leaf Philodendron |
Amaryllis | Choke Cherry | Franciscan Rain Tree | Larkspur | Parsley | Spotted Dumb Cane |
Ambrosia Mexicana | Christmas Rose | Garden Calla | Laurel | Peace Begonia | Sprengeri Fern |
American Bittersweet | Chrysanthemum | Garden Chamomile | Lavender | Peace Lily | Spring Parsley |
American Holly | Clematis | Garden Hyacinth | Leatherflower | Peach | St. John’s Wort |
American Mandrake | Climbing Bittersweet | Gardenia | Leek | Peacock Flower | Staggerbush |
American Yew | Climbing Lily | Garlic | Lemon | Pencil Cactus | Starch Root |
Andromeda Japonica | Climbing Nightshade | Geranium | Lemon Grass | Peony | Stargazer Lily |
Angelica Tree | Clivia Lily | Geranium-Leaf Aralia | Lemon Verbena | Perennial Pea | Starleaf |
Apple | Clusia Rosea | Giant Dracaena | Lenten Rose | Periwinkle | Stinking Chamomile |
Apricot | Coffee Tree | Giant Dumb Cane | Lily | Philodendron Pertusum | Straight-Margined Dracaena |
Arrow-Head Vine | Coleus | Giant Hogweed | Lily of the Palace | Pie | Striped Dracaena |
Arum | Common Privet | Glacier Ivy | Lily of the Valley | Pieris | Superb Lily |
Arum Lily | Coontie Palm | Gladiola | Lily-of-the-Valley Bush | Pig Lily | Sweet Cherry |
Asian Lily | Cordatum | Gloriosa Lily | Lime | Pigtail | Sweet Pea |
Asparagus Fern | Corn | Gold Dieffenbachia | Lobelia | Pink Pearl | Sweet William |
Australian Ivy Palm | Cornstalk | Gold Dust Dracaena | Locust | Pinks | Sweetheart Ivy |
Autumn Crocus | Cow parsnip | Golden Birds Nest | Lord-and-Ladies | Plantain Lily | Swiss Cheese |
Azalea | Cowbane | Golden Pothos | Lovage | Plum | Tahitian Bridal Veil |
Baby Doll Ti | Cuckoo-pint | Golden Ragwort | Madagascar Dragon Tree | Plumosa Fern | Tail Flower |
Barbados Aloe | Cutleaf Philodendron | Good Luck | Maidens Breath | Poinciana | Taro |
Barbados Lily | Cycads | Grapefruit | Malanga | Poinsettia | Taro Vine |
Barbados Pride | Cyclamen | Grass Palm | Maleberry | Poison Daisy | Tarragon |
Bay Laurel | Daffodil | Greater Ammi | Mapleleaf Begonia | Poison Hemlock | Texas Umbrella Tree |
Bead Tree | Dahlia | Green Gold Naphthysis | Marble Queen | Poison Parsnip | Ti-Plant |
Begonia | Daisy | Ground Apple | Marijuana | Portulaca | Tiger Lily |
Bergamot Orange | Day Lilies | Groundsel | Marjoram | Prayer Bean | Tobacco |
Bird of Paradise | Deadly Nightshade | Hahn’s Self Branching English Ivy | Mauna Loa Peace Lily | Pride-of-India | Tomato |
Bird of Paradise Flower | Desert Azalea | Hashish | Mayapple | Primrose | Tree Philodendron |
Bird’s Tongue | Desert Rose | Hawaiian Ti | Mayweed | Privet | Tree Tobacco |
Bishop’s Weed | Devil’s Backbone | Heartleaf Philodendron | Meadow Saffron | Purslane | Tropic Snow |
Bitter Root | Devils Ivy | Heavenly Bamboo | Medicine | Racemose asparagus | True Aloe |
Black Calla | Dieffenbachia | Hellebore | Metallic Leaf Begonia | Ragwort | Trumpet Lily |
Black Cherry | Dock | Hercules’ Club | Mexican Breadfruit | Ranger’s Button | Tulip |
Black Laurel | Dog Daisy | Hills of Snow | Milfoil | Red Emerald | Umbrella Leaf |
Black Nightshade | Dog Hobble | Holly | Milkweed | Red Lily | Umbrella Tree |
Bobbins | Dogbane Hemp | Horse Chestnut | Mint | Red Princess | Variable Dieffenbachia |
Bog Laurel | Dracaena | Horsehead Philodendron | Mistletoe “American” | Red-Marginated Dracaena | Variegated Philodendron |
Borage | Dumbcane | Horseweed | Mock Azalea | Rex Begonia | Variegated Wandering Jew |
Boxwood | Dwarf Poinciana | Hortensia | Mole Bean | Rhododendron | Vinca |
Branching Ivy | Easter Lily | Hosta | Morning Glory | Rhubarb | Virgin’s Bower |
Brazilwood | Easter Rose | Hurricane | Morning-Noon-and-Night | Ribbon | Wahoo |
Bread and Butter | Eastern Star | Hyacinth | Moss Rose | Ridderstjerne | Wake Robin |
Brunfelsia | Elephant Ears | Hydrangea | Mother of Millions | Rock Moss | Wandering Jew |
Buckeye | Elephant-Ear Begonia | Impala Lily | Mother-in-Law | Roman Chamomile | Warneckei Dracaena |
Buckwheat | Emerald Feather | Indian Apple | Mother-In-Law | Rosebay | Water Flag |
Buddhist Pine | English Holly | Indian Borage | Mother-in-Law’s Tongue | Rubrum Lily | Water Hemlock |
Burning Bush | English Ivy | Indian Hemp | Mum | Running Myrtle | Wax-Leaf |
Buttercup | English Yew | Indian Pink | Naked Lady | Sabi Star | Weeping Fig |
Butterfly Iris | Epazote | Indian Rubber | Nandina | Sacred Bamboo | Western Yew |
Caladium | Eucalyptus | Inkberry | Narcissus | Saddle Leaf | White Heads |
Calamondin Orange | European Bittersweet | Iris | Nasturtium | Sago Palm | Wild Arum |
California Ivy | European Holly | Iron Cross Begonia | Needlepoint Ivy | Satin Pothos | Wild Calla |
Calla Lily | Everlasting Pea | Ivy Arum | Nephthytis | Scented Geranium | Wild Carnation |
Cape Jasmine | Exotica | Jack-in-the-pulpit | Nicotiana | Schefflera | Wild Coffee |
Caraway | False Bittersweet | Jade | Nightshade | Seaside Daisy | Winter Cherry |
Cardboard Cycad | False Queen Anne’s Lace | Japanese Show Lily | Octopus Tree | Seven Bark | Winterberry |
Cardboard Palm | Feather Geranium | Japanese Yew< /td> | Oilcloth Flower | Shamrock | Wisteria |
Cardinal Flower | Fern Palm | Jerusalem Cherry | Oleander | Shatavari | Wood Lily |
Carnation | Fetter Bush | Jerusalem Oak | Onion | Showy Daisy | Yarrow |
Castor Bean | Fetterbush | Jonquil | Orange | Silver Dollar | Yellow Oleander |
Catnip | Fiddle-Leaf | Kaffir Lily | Orange Day Lily | Silver Jade | Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow |
Ceriman | Fig | Kalanchoe | Oregano | Skunk Cabbage | Yew |
Chamomile | Figwort | Kiss-me-quick | Oregon Holly | Snake Lilly | Yew Pine |
Chandelier | Fire Lily | Klamath Weed | Ornamental Pepper | Snake Plant | Yucca |
Charming Dieffenbachia | Flag | Kudu Lily | Pacific Yew | Solomon’s Lily |
What plants are safe to have in the house with cats?
Now that we’ve established some plants are toxic, let’s go through the permissible ones for a house with cats.
Another beautiful flower is the Orchid which comes in many variants like the Cocktail orchid and Brazilian orchid. You can also find Dancing Doll Orchids and Golden lace orchids, to name a few.
While they can be gorgeous, it’s essential to know whether they are harmful. We’re happy to report that orchids are safe for cats and will only cause a mild tummy ache in the worst-case scenario if ingested.
But the ASPCA reports that all types of orchids are non-toxic. However, there are over 25000 species of orchids. It’s best to consult a professional if you’re unsure.
There’s good news for succulent owners and lovers. Most pets will avoid them by instinct. Most varieties of succulents are completely non-toxic to cats. Since they don’t smell delicious enough, they will avoid ingesting or touching them.
Beautiful rose bushes are a popular choice in the garden. The good news is that all varieties of the rose family are safe for cats! However, beware of other plants with ‘rose’ in the name but belong to a different genus.
For instance, the Christmas rose is poisonous to cats but belongs to the buttercup family. The Desert rose is part of the dogbane family. It has a milky sap that can prove dangerous.
For a detailed list of ones with ‘rose’ in the name, check the table for toxic and non-toxic options.
Here are a few examples of some plants which have ‘rose’ in the name and might or might not be toxic for cats.
Name | Toxic | Non-Toxic | Species/Family |
Rosebay | ✅ | Ericaceae | |
Christmas/ Lenten/ Easter Rose | ✅ | Ranunculaceae | |
Desert Rose | ✅ | Apocynaceae | |
Stinking Rose | ✅ | Liliaceae | |
Moss Rose | ✅ | Portulacaceae | |
Copper rose/ Wax rosette | ✅ | Crassulaceae | |
Dwarf Rose- Stripe Star | ✅ | Bromelaceae | |
Rose of Sharon/ Rose of China | ✅ | Malvaceae |
Spider Plant
The spider plant is also known as spidery ivy and ribbon plants. It is non-toxic to cats, as stated by the ASPCA. But it is attractive since it can produce hallucinogenic effects in the furry species.
When ingested, it can only cause a mild stomach ache or vomiting. It is the natural reaction to the ingestion of something like grass.
Another highly attractive and sweet-smelling flower is the lilac. Lilacs are usually deemed safe, except for a couple of varieties. Species like the Persian lilac and French lilac are highly toxic.
They cause severe abnormal symptoms like gastrointestinal problems and seizures. The symptoms can take 3-4 days to develop, so keep an eye on your kitty if he/she has been around the flowers.
So, her name is Lela. Lilacs did not inspire it, but we’re pretty sure she has a special connection with them.
Christmas cactus
Christmas cactus is likely to appear during the holiday season when it’s also their blooming season, hence the name. You can let your pets roam around the house in peace with this plant in the house since they are perfectly safe for all furry friends!
African Violets
African violets are stunning plants that flower in pretty pinks and reds. You’ll also find them in blues and whites in all seasons. The good news is that you can let your kitties roam around freely without any fear of African violets!
Here’s an exciting piece of news to brighten your day. Sunflowers are safe for everybody, cats included! The ASPCA says happy flowers are safe for both humans and pets. Your cats can go rummaging in those garden beds!
Here’s good news for plant and pesto lovers. Your favorite Italian herb is safe for your cats and kittens too! Basil is a favorite of chefs and cats due to its intense flavor and smell!
Basil should be in everyone’s diet. Some of its benefits include:
- Boosts the immune system
- Reduces fever
- Protects the liver
- Reduces symptoms of depression
- Improves digestion
Unlike other herbs, this one is safe in any form for your cats. It doesn’t matter if it’s powder or fresh basil leaves.
Fern Plants
Fern plants are house options that aren’t toxic to cats. Just ask Garfield, the fern lover! However, many varieties with fern in the name and properties resembling the plant can be very toxic.
Asparagus fern and Emerald Fern are a no-go. Lace Fern and Fern Palm are also toxic varieties with ‘fern’ in the name. Make sure always to look up the name and double-check its toxicity before bringing in a house with cats.
Clusters of bright orange and yellow marigolds are a sight for sore eyes, and guess what? They’re completely non-toxic. Not only can your kitties run freely in marigold beds. Your home can stay insect-free since marigolds are naturally insect repellent, especially for mosquitoes!
These dragon fruits are also 100% safe to have!
If you’re looking to add a spot of color to the house, Petunias come in any color imaginable. The best part is they are completely safe to be around all kinds of pets. It includes cats, dogs, horses, and rabbits. If you’ve got a tortoise, petunias can safely become a part of their diet.
Pansies are naturally multi-colored flowers to make one stop and stare. Your pets can be in awe of these since they are completely non-toxic. The ASPCA says no ill effects are reported even if ingested.
Snapdragons are long colorful flowers that owe their name to the dragon-like appearance that forms when squeezed laterally. Snapdragons are completely non-toxic for cats and other pets.
If you’re worried they’ll become food for deer in your area, don’t worry. Deer will usually avoid eating snapdragons until they have to – so it’s a win-win!
The jasmine is one of the ones you need to research slightly more before planting or buying in a house with cats. The common jasmine and others like cinnamon jasmine and star jasmine are harmless around pets.
Other varieties may end up being very toxic. The toxic ones with ‘jasmine’ in their name include Cape Jasmine and Paraguayan Jasmine.
Rosemary is a versatile herb used in cooking, and some believe it has certain healing powers. Not only does it help with digestion skin and hair solutions, but it can also stimulate memory and boost alertness.
And the best part is that it’s perfectly non-toxic. They will most likely stay away from its strange smell and spikey texture.
Cilantro/ Coriander
Cilantro is another flavorful herb used in continental and Asian cuisine like basil. And just like basil, these tasty leaves can be chewed by your kittens too. Cilantro or coriander is completely non-toxic.
The ASPCA classifies the hibiscus plant known as the Rose of Sharon and Rose of China as non-toxic to cats and dogs.
However, some sources claim that some pets’ mild irritation can be expected if they consume too much.
Palm plants make for a grand entrance at any hotel reception or resort. The good news is those common varieties like the Areca and Lady palm are non-toxic to cats and dogs.
However, beware of those with palm in the name but aren’t part of the palm family. For instance, the Sago palm is a cycad and is highly toxic to pets.
Take a look at other similar plants with Palm in the name to end the confusion, once and for all.
Name | Toxic | Non-toxic | Family |
Australian Ivy palm | ✅ | Araliaceae | |
Cardboard / Coontie / Sago/ Fern Palm | ✅ | Cycadceae | |
Palm Lily / Grass Palm | ✅ | Agavaceae | |
Areca/ Golden Butterfly / Golden Feather / Cane Palm / Yellow Palm | ✅ | Palmae | |
Bamboo Palm / Miniature Fish Tail Dwarf Palm / Parlor Palm /Good luck Palm | ✅ | Palmae |
Pine Needles
All types of pine are completely non-toxic, so bring in the festive season with cheer. Due to their sensitive nature, most cats will steer clear of pine needles.
If you think your cat is too curious, avoid keeping them around pine needles. If ingested, pine needles can lead to complications in the intestines and cause blockage.
Majesty Palm
No beach is complete without a majesty palm lining the shore. Even though we doubt that cats will be able to climb the majesty palm tree, you’d be glad to know that it is completely non-toxic. So you can take your cat along on vacation!
Zinnias are stunning flowers, part of the sunflower tribe and the daisy species. They can qualify as twins of dahlias. Unlike dahlias, they are fully pet-friendly! Zinnias are non-toxic, so you curious kitten can safely sniff and munch them without your supervision.
Gerber Daisy
Here is a Daisy that isn’t poisonous to cats – the Gerber Daisy. Gerber daisies are bright and eye-catching and will bring a smile to anyone’s face, including your cat.
Venus Flytrap
You’d think the Venus flytrap is as harmful as it is to insects and flies. But that is not the case. Venus flytraps are completely non-toxic. Even if nibbled by them, your kittens won’t be too hurt.
Blueberries are a super-food for humans, thanks to their power-packed anti-oxidants. Those very anti-oxidants are great for cats, so some cat food contains blueberry powder. As a result, blueberries are non-toxic.
Bromeliads are great for pet-owners and gardening novices, thanks to their hassle-free care. Not only do bromeliads thrive with little care in your home. They can also go soil-free and are completely non-toxic!
An Echeveria succulent is a plant lover’s dream because of its striking beauty and easy care. And it gets better. They’re completely non-toxic! That’s not something you can say for all succulents!
Beautiful touch-me-not flowers, otherwise known as Impatiens house plants, are safe. So the touch-me-not rule doesn’t apply to your pets for this one!
Alstroemeria’s one-of-a-kind beauty makes it a must for every bouquet and table arrangement.
The long shelf life assures they’re beautifying your home for a long time. Also known as the Peruvian Lily and Lily of the Incas, it is safe around your pets too!
Which plants are most toxic to cats?
Before getting plants in a house with pets or bringing pets into a house, know which ones are most toxic for cats. Keep reading our extensive list of what to avoid.
The festive season will around pretty poinsettias to liven up the house and add a pop of color. But did you know that they can irritate kittens and cats? While poinsettias won’t prove fateful, they can irritate due to the chemical diterpenoid phorbol esters.
The milky sap of poinsettias can cause symptoms like digestive issues and drool. Watch out for vomiting and skin irritation like swelling. Redness and general irritation can also occur.
However, these symptoms will rarely require medical attention and will heal quickly with time.
Peace Lilies
Peace lilies are a plant known for their incredible ability to grow under almost any condition. They aren’t ideal for a pet lovers’ home since the leaves contain a dangerous element named calcium oxalate.
It can dissolve and damage deep into the tissues of cats even before ingested and deeply damage the tongue.
Tulip fields look romantic, but they aren’t the best place to take your pets along. Think again if you’re thinking about gifting them or putting them in a house with kitties. Tulips are from the lily family and contain glycosides that can be fatal.
With toxicity in leaves and bulbs, it’s best to steer clear of the whole thing if you’ve got cats. Once tulips have been ingested, you will notice the following symptoms in your cat:
- Lethargy
- Abdominal pain
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
Geranium flowers are part of the Pelargonium genus that has many varieties. Unfortunately, these beautiful additions can prove very harmful. Even the water from the Geranium’s vase can cause your pet to have stomach problems, lethargy, vomiting, and loss of appetite.
Mums or Chrysanthemums are common seasonal options to be seen in the winter. Little did you know that the leaves and flower heads can be very toxic!
Chrysanthemums are of many types, including the daisy variety. All these types must be confirmed for toxicity to cats before buying or including at home.
Let’s look at all the daisies and what to do with them:
Name | Toxic | Non-toxic | Family |
Chrysanthemum / Daisy / Mum | ✅ | Compositae | |
Barnyard Daisy / Chamomile | ✅ | Compositae | |
Dog daisy | ✅ | Compositae | |
Showy daisy / Seaside Daisy / Fleabane | ✅ | Asteraceae | |
African / Transvaal / Gerber / Veldt / Barberton Daisy | ✅ | Compositae | |
Blue / Blue-eyed Daisy | ✅ | Compositae |
Snake Plants
Snake plants are one of the toughest varieties to exist, and that’s why they’re present in almost all homes.
But the bad news is that the compound called saponins can cause nausea and diarrhea when swallowed. So, it’s in your pet’s interest to never let them sink their teeth into this one.
Daffodils are gorgeous to write poems on, but they’re a big ‘no’ around cats. Like hyacinths, the bulb of daffodils contains elements that can deeply irritate the tissues of the tongue.
It can penetrate deeper to cause further problems. The symptoms to watch out for are drooling and seizures. Look out for increased heart rate and gastrointestinal problems. Difficulty breathing is also something your furry friend may experience.
Peonies make for a grand entrance at any walkway or bushes on your front lawn during springtime.
But did you know peonies can be poisonous for your pets? The toxin Paeonol will cause vomiting in your pets if ingested. Look out for signs of lethargy and fatigue if you’re worried about exposure.
Aloe Vera
Aloe vera may be full of healing properties for skin and hair but is not a good option to keep around cats. Aloe is only mild to moderately discomforting if ingested. You can avoid this by spraying it with vinegar in high places away from your pet’s reach.
Begonias are both versatile and have unique colored leaves and blooming flowers. These same features of the begonia can cause severe burning sensations and huge discomfort if ingested by a kitty.
They can cause vomiting and diarrhea. Kidney failure is even a risk. The important thing to note is that most of the toxic portion is beneath the soil in potted plants and beds.
Calla Lilies
As mentioned earlier, all lilies are good to steer clear of when you’re a cat owner. Even though they aren’t fatal with Calla lilies, you should bear the same precaution.
They won’t bear much effect on the organs. The calcium oxalate crystals can damage your kitty’s tongue, mouth, and esophagus.
Other types of harmful lilies include
- Belladonna Lily
- Saint Joseph Lilly
- Lily of the Valley
- Arum Lily
- Pig Lily
- Barbados / Fire / Fire of the palace Lily
Amaryllis is the only genus in the family of Amaryllidaceae and bears beautiful bulbous flowers. They include the Bella Donna lily and Naked Lady: Look out for Saint Joseph Lily, too.
But we regret to inform you that it is off-limits and very toxic for both cats and dogs. The lycorine puts cats and dogs at risk of stomach problems and lethargy. Tremors are also a common side effect.
The soothing lavender is healing in both its smell and application for humans. Still, those kitty paws should be kept far from the reach of any form of lavender.
The ASPCA makes it clear the linalool and linalyl acetate present in lavender can lead to damage to the nervous system and liver if inhaled or ingested.
There are many varieties of daisies and many plants with ‘daisy’ in the name. But if you’re looking to include the common daisy or the chamomile variety, be sure to know they are very toxic.
Varieties like the African daisy and Barberton daisy are non-toxic for cats. So is the Gerber daisy. They come in very vibrant colors, but make sure they’re okay to keep around the house!
Devil’s Ivy
As the name suggests, the Devils Ivy or Pothos plant might be a great addition to a high wall or a balcony. It is very toxic for your cat. It is safe to keep them away from farm animals like sheep and chickens.
Carnations make great gift bouquets for loved ones in their pinks, wild and sweet William varieties.
But they can quickly become a cause for distress if the house cats start chewing on them. Carnations are toxic and can cause irritation to the stomach and lead to diarrhea or vomiting in pets.
Dahlias are the favorite of spring lovers everywhere. They’re very toxic. The symptoms of ingestion include skin irritation and itching. Look out for diarrhea and loss of excessive fur, too. Take your pet to the vet immediately if you spot these signs.
Like daisies, it’s important to know the details of the bamboo. Some versions of the bamboo are toxic if ingested, like Heavenly or sacred bamboo. Other options like Golden bamboo and Bamboo vine are considered non-toxic by the ASPCA. So is the Bamboo palm.
Toxic plants with the name ‘bamboo’ include
- Heavenly bamboo
- Sacred Bamboo
Non toxic include :
- Golden bamboo
- Fishpole Bamboo
- Bamboo Palm
- Bamboo vine
- Bamboo
- Red- berried bamboo
Now here’s a shocker no one would expect – grapes are more toxic to cats than chocolate! Even in a grape plant, the stems and leaves are hard to digest. They lead to further health problems.
The coleus plant or Spanish thyme has vivid patterns that make it a favorite among people wanting to spruce up their homes. Coleus can unfortunately severely burn any kitty, even if they brush past coleus.
Their oils act as irritants for your furry friend’s skin. Ingestion can lead to even worse symptoms like diarrhea and blood in the stool. Depression and lethargy are something else you’ll want your furry friend to go without.
The Philodendron family includes the likes of the fiddle leaf and Swiss-cheese plant. They make for a great showstopper in any living room or porch area. But sadly, these qualify as mild to moderately toxic. Keep their paws away from them!
Baby’s Breath
The popular baby’s breath is breathtaking when it becomes part of any arrangement or garden bed. However, you must know this one classifies moderately toxic for our feline furry friends. It is slightly poisonous and can cause anorexia and vomiting.
The Branching or sweetheart ivies are well-known creeping and climbing plants known to appear in Shakespearean balconies.
But it’s no longer romantic when you find out that it’s toxic for your kitten. Part of the Hedera family contains triterpenoid saponin. It can lead to many stomach problems and hypersalivation. Lethargy is another symptom of Ivy exposure.
Day Lilies
The name might fool you, but Daylilies aren’t part of the lily family. They’re part of the Hemerocallis family. These stunning home additions blossom in the morning and die by nightfall, hence the name.
But as mentioned before, it’s best to avoid any type of lily entirely when you are a cat owner. Even daylily variety can prove very toxic.
Gardenias are creamy-white flowers in unique shapes and sizes with many lower classifications like Cape jasmine and gardenia thunbergia.
But these unique options contain geniposides and gardenosides that are toxic for cats and other pets. Digestion issues and breaking out in hives are common signs if it is ingested.
While the jade plant is considered a sign of good luck in many countries, its poisoning is a serious condition. If left untreated, the toxic jade can even lead to death.
Anthurium is a flowering plant that is shell-shaped and grows in vibrant colors. It makes it the number one choice for a lovely bouquet. Due to their shape, they’re also called Painter’s palette and Flamingo Plant.
Unfortunately, calcium oxalate crystals in it can be very detrimental to any cat’s health. So they are classified as toxic by the ASPCA.
Sun star
The sun star is a lesser-known but equally attractive orange flowering option. It’s also known as the Orange Star or Star of Bethlehem.
These indoor varieties are great for brightening up corners of your home but, sadly, are very toxic for cats and dogs. Even water from their vase can lead to toxicosis in pets.
You may have noticed that house plants generally consist of species of the Dracaena genus. They consist of no-fuss shrubs and succulents that survive under almost any condition.
But no matter how attractive, Dracaena should be kept away from a house with pets. Eating Dracaena can lead to toxic reactions like diarrhea and vomiting.
You might have seen cute pictures of koala bears munching on eucalyptus leaves and thought they must be safe around your furry pets too.
You’ll be surprised to know that eucalyptus is highly toxic to cats. Koalas are one of the only mammals that can safely consume and survive on a diet of eucalyptus leaves.
Iris flowers
Iris flowers take their name from the Greek word meaning rainbow. It is symbolic of the wide variety of colors found in nature. The flashy colors are enough to dazzle your entire front yard or porch.
Unfortunately, most varieties of Irises are moderately toxic for cats. The Butterfly iris and Water flag are both toxic varieties. So is the snake lily, to name a few.
Tomato Plants
Tomatoes are a tricky one. While your kitten can safely munch on ripe tomatoes, the stem and leaves contain the toxins unsafe for consumption. The unripe fruit is also a problem. The solanine compounds in the stem and leaves are toxic for small animals.
Oriental Lilies
As mentioned before, all lilies are very poisonous. It includes the Lily ‘Stargazer’ or Oriental variety. It’s safe to say you should avoid any kind of lilies in a house with cats.
Crotons have bright red, yellow, and green leaves that can stir curiosity in any kitten. But you should know to keep your cats away from Croton since any kind of chewing and biting can lead to burning sensations and rashes.
The Wandering Jew
The wandering jew or the Inchplant is part of the spiderwort species and has unique green and maroon leaves.
You can place them in a pot to stun guests, but sadly it is toxic to cats and hence a big no for homes with these pets. The sap can harm the digestive tract of your pets.
Kalanchoe is a unique succulent that blooms tiny flowers similar to a baby’s breath. Also known as Widow’s thrill and Mother of Millions, it can cause gastric problems and even abnormal heartbeat in cats. Keep these toxic ones well out of reach of kittens.
You’d be surprised to know that mint’s most loved cocktail addition is highly toxic to cats and dogs. All parts of the refreshing herb are loaded with essential oils that humans love and benefit from. Cats and dogs will not be able to digest.
Rubber Plants
Rubber plants must be thoroughly researched before being included at home. Some types like jade and weeping fig are considered highly toxic.
But on the other hand, American rubber plants and blunt leaf peperomia are listed as non-toxic by the ASPCA. So are the pepper face ones.
Yucca cane
Yuccas are rare and only found in certain parts of the Americas and the Caribbean. This attractive cane consists of white waxy flowers and is mostly stem-less.
Sadly, it is also listed as toxic by the ASPCA. It can cause convulsions and a lack of coordination. Gastric problems are also a symptom when consumed.
What Plants can kill a cat?
We have listed the mild to moderately toxic ones above. It is important to take note of the ones that have the most adverse effects. It includes possible death if ingested by cats and kittens. Here is the full list.
Easter Lilies
Now here’s one to steer completely clear of – Easter Lilies. The entire thing can be fatal since it causes acute kidney failure, including leaves stems. Even the water of the vase where the Easter lilies are kept should be kept well away from cats.
Contact your veterinarian immediately if you have any suspicions your cat might have ingested some pollen or any part of the Easter lily.
Signs that your pet might have ingested include vomiting and lethargy. She may seem depressed and hide. Dehydration and frequent urination are signs to look out for.
Unfortunately, those beautiful hydrangea bloomers can be toxic to most pets. However, most species of hydrangeas will prove harmful to your pets if ingested in large quantities.
The presence of amygdalin is troublesome for humans and pets. It metabolizes and becomes cyanide in the human and feline bodies.
Hyacinths are beautiful bright options with a sweet smell. These bulbous ones will be dangerous to keep around our furry friends. Their bulbs contain a high level of toxins that can quickly be fatal.
White and pink azaleas are flowers that everyone wants to include because of their attractive appearance and unique petal texture.
However, we must tell you that azaleas can be very toxic to cats and even goats and dogs! So it’s safe to keep them away from home with pets or on a farm.
Sago Palm
Although named palm, these are part of the cycad family and contain a cycasin toxin. It is highly dangerous for your furry friends. Only 50% chances of survival are expected if your pet ingests or is exposed to the sago palm.
Don’t let the pretty pink colors fool you! Even a small amount of the oleander is highly toxic and can lead to death in cats. All parts are deadly poisonous, including stems and leaves.
Dieffenbachias come in many types like charming dieffenbachia, dumbcane and exotica. Even with their impressive leaf design, they should be avoided in any home with pets.
They are highly toxic and can cause burns and irritation if ingested or even licked by your furry friends.
Holly is a huge family of 480 species. Some examples of the members are Japanese holly, common holly, American holly, and Yaupon holly.
Although every house is incomplete without some holly in the festive season, it is severely toxic to cats and dogs. It’s even a no-go for humans if ingested.
Keep reading below for the full list that you can enjoy gardening around a house with cats.
Table of completely safe plants for cats
Good news – here’s a table of all the options that are safe for your cats!
Table of plants that are safe for cats | |||||
Achira | Carrot Flower | Fish Tail Fern | Lily of the Valley Orchid | Plush | Thyme |
Acorn Squash | Casaba Melon | Flame African Violet | Linden | Poison Ivy | Ti hu-ling |
African Daisy | Cast Iron | Flame of the Woods | Lipstick | Poison Oak | Tickseed |
African Violet | Cat Brier | Florida Butterfly Orchid | Little Fantasy Peperomia | Poison Sumac | Tiger Orchid |
Algaroba | Cat Ear | Florida Butterfly Orchid | Little Zebra | Polka Dot | Toad Spotted Cactus |
Aluminum | Cattleya Labiata | Fluffy Ruffles | Living Rock Cactus | Polystichum Falcatum | Torch Lily |
Alumroot | Celosia Globosa | Forster Sentry Palm | Living Stones | Pony Tail | Tous-les-mois |
Alyssum | Celosia Plumosa | Fortunes Palm | Loco Weed | Porcelain Flower | Trailing Peperomia |
American Rubber | Celosia Spicata | Freckle Face | Locust Pods | Pot Marigold | Tree Cactus |
Amur Maple | Chamaedorea | Friendship | Madagascar Jasmine | Prairie Lily | Tree Gloxinia |
Anthericum Comosum | Chaparral | Garden Marigold | Magnolia Bush | Prayer | Tropical Moss |
Antirrhinum Multiflorum | Chenille | Garden Snapdragon | Mahonia | Prostrate Coleus | True Cantaloupe |
Arabian Gentian | Chervil | Gerber Daisy | Majesty Palm | Pupleosier Willow | Tu Fu-Ling |
Areca Palm | Chestnut | German Violet | Malabar Gourd | Purple Baby Tears | Tulip Poplar |
Aregelia | Chicken-Gizzard | Gherkins | Malaysian Dracaena | Purple Passion Vine | Turban Squash |
Artillery | Chickens and Hens | Ghost Leafless Orchid | Manila Palm | Purple Velvet | Turf Lily |
Aspidium falcatum | Chin-Lao-shu | Ghost | Maranta | Purple Waffle | Umbrella |
Australian Pine | China Aster | Giant Aster | Marbled Fingernail | Queencup | Urbinia Agavoides |
Autumn Olive | China Root | Giant Holly Fern | Mariposa Lily | Queens Spiderwort | Usambara Violet |
Baby Rubber | Chinese Plumbago | Giant Touch-Me-Not | Maroon | Queensland Arrowroot | Variegated Laurel |
Baby’s Breath | Chlorophytum | Giant White Inch | Maroon Chenille | Rabbits Foot Fern | Variegated Wax |
Baby’s Tears | Chlorophytum bichetti | Globe Thistle | Mary-Bud | Rainbow Orchid | Velvet |
Bachelors Buttons | Chocolate Soldier | Gloxinia | Measles | Red African Violet | Venus Fly Trap |
Ball Fern | Christmas Cactus | Gold Bloom | Metallic Peperomia | Red Berried Greenbrier | Verona Fern |
Bamboo | Christmas Dagger | Gold-Fish | Mexican Firecracker | Red Edge Peperomia | Verona Lace Fern |
Bamboo Palm | Christmas Orchid | Golden Bells | Mexican Rosettes | Red Hawthorne | Vining Peperomia |
Bamboo Vine | Christmas Palm | Golden Butterfly Palm | Mexican Snowballs | Red Maple | Violet Slipper Gloxinia |
Banana | Cilantro | Golden Lace Orchid | Miniature Date Palm | Red Palm Lily | Waffle |
Banana Squash | Cinnamon | Golden Shower Orchid | Miniature Fish Tail | Red Veined Prayer | Walking Anthericum |
Barberton Daisy | Cinquefoil | Good Luck Palm | Miniature Maranta | Reed Palm | Washington Hawthorn |
Barnaby’s Thistle | Cirrhopetalum | Grape Hyacinth | Miniature Marble | Resurrection Lily | Water Hickory |
Basil | Clearweed | Grape Ivy | Mistletoe Cactus | Rhynchophorum | Water Hyacinth |
Beets | Cliff Brake | Great Willow Herb | Mockernut Hickory | Ribbon | Watermelon Begonia |
Begonia, Climbing | Club Moss | Green Ripple Peperomia | Money Tree | Roosevelt Fern | Watermelon Peperomia |
Begonia, Trailing | Cocks Comb | Greenbrier | Mosaic | Rose | Watermelon Pilea |
Belmore Sentry Palm | Cocktail Orchid | Hagbrier | Mosaic Vase | Rose of China | Wax |
Big Shagbark Hickory | Collinia Elegans | Hardy Baby Tears | Moss Agate | Rose of Sharon | Wax Rosette |
Big Shellbark Hickory | Common Camellia | Hardy Gloxinia | Moss Campion | Rosemary | Weeping Bottlebrush |
Bitter Pecan | Common Catbrier | Hare Fern | Moss Fern | Russian Knapweed | Weeping Sargent Hemlock |
Bitternut | Common Garden Canna | Haworthia | Moss Phlox | Russian Olive | Weisdornbluten |
Black Haw | Common Greenbrier | Haws | Mossy Campion | Saffron Spike Zebra | West Indian Gherkin |
Black Hawthorn | Common Snapdragon | Haws Apple | Mother Fern | Sage | Western Sword |
Black Walnut | Common Staghorn Fern | Hawthorn | Mother of Pearl | Saint Bernards Lily | White Edged Swedish Ivy |
Blackjack Pine | Confederate Jasmine | Hedgehog Gourd | Mother Spleenwort | Salad Burnet | White Ginger |
Blaspheme Vine | Coolwort | Hellfetter | Mountain Camellia | Sand Lily | White Heart Hickory |
Bloodleaf | Copper Rose | Hemlock Tree | Mountain Grape | Sand Verbena | Whitman Fern |
Blooming Sally | Copperleaf | Hen and Chickens Fern | Mulberry Bush Greenbrier | Satin Pellionia | Wild Buckwheat |
Blue Bead | Coral Bells | Hens and Chickens | Mulberry Tree | Savory | Wild Hyacinth |
Blue Daisy | Coreopsis | Hibiscus | Musa Paradisiaca | Savory | Wild Lantana |
Blue Echeveria | Cornflower | Hindu Rope | Muscari armeniacum | Sawbrier | Wild Sasparilla |
Blue Eyed Daisy | Crape Myrtle | Hoary Alyssum | Muskmelon | Scabious | Wild Strawberry |
Blue-dicks | Creeping Charlie | Holligold | Nasturtium | Scarborough Lily | Willow Herb |
Blue-dicks 2 | Creeping Gloxinia | Holly Fern | Natal Plum | Scarlet Orchid | Windmill Palm |
Blue-dicks 3 | Creeping Mahonia | Hollyhock | Neanthe Bella Palm | Scarlet Sage | Winter Cattleya |
Blue-eyed African Daisy | Creeping Pilea | Honey Locust | Nematanthus spp. | Sego Lily | Withered Snapdragon |
Bluebottle | Creeping Rubus | Honey | Neoregelia | Shagbark Hickory | Woolflower |
Blunt Leaf Peperomia | Creeping Zinnia | Hone ydew Melon | Nerve | Shan Ku’ei-lai | Yellow Bloodleaf |
Blushing Bromeliad | Crepe Myrtle | Honeysuckle Fuchsia | Night Blooming Cereus | Shellbark Hickory | Yellow Palm |
Bold Sword Fern | Crimson Bottlebush | Hookera pulchella | Old Man Cactus | Shrimp Cactus | Yellow-Flowered Gourd |
Boston Fern | Crimson Cup | Hubbard Squash | Old World Orchid | Silver Bell | Yellowrocket |
Bottle Palm | Crisped Feather Fern | Hypocyrta | Orange Star | Silver Berry | Yorba Linda |
Bottle Palm 2 | Crossandra | Ice | Oregon Grape | Silver Heart | Zebra Haworthia |
Bottlebrush | Cucumber | Impatience | Ossifragi Vase | Silver Pink Vine | Zinnia |
Brazilian Orchid | Cushion Aloe | Irish Moss | Paddys Wig | Silver Star | Zucchini Squash |
Bride’s Bonnet | Cushion Moss | Iron Tree | Painted Lady | Silver Table Fern | |
Bristly Greenbrier | Cyrtudeira | Ivy Peperomia | Pampas Grass | Silver Tree Anamiga | |
Brodiaea Pulchella | Dainty Rabbits-Foot Fern | Jackson Brier | Panamiga | Slender Deutzia | |
Broom Hickory | Dallas Fern | Jacob’s Ladder | Pansy Orchid | Small Fruited Hickory | |
Bullbrier | Dancing Doll Orchid | Japanese Aralia | Paradise Palm | Smilax Tamnoides Vas | |
Bur Gourd | Desert Trumpet | Japanese Holly Fern | Parlor Palm | Speckled Wood Lily | |
Burro’s Tail | Dichelostemma | Japanese Moss | Parsley Fern | Spice Orchid | |
Buttercup Squash | Dichorisandra Reginae | Japanese Pittosporum | Patient Lucy | Spice Orchid | |
Butterfly Ginger | Dill | Jasmine | Patient | Spider Flower | |
Butternut Squash | Dinteranthus | Jewel Orchid | Peacock | Spider Ivy | |
Buzzy Lizzie | Duffii Fern | Joseph’s Coat | Pearl | Spider | |
Caeroba | Dwarf Date Palm | Jungle Geranium | Pearly Dots | Star Jasmine | |
Calathea | Dwarf Feather Palm | Kaempferia | Peperomia Hederifolia | Star Lily | |
Calathea lancifolia 2 | Dwarf Palm | Kahali Ginger | Peperomia Peltfolia | Star | |
Calathea lancifolia 3 | Dwarf Rose-Stripe Star | Kenilworth Ivy | Peperomia Rotundifolia | Stevia | |
California Pitcher | Dwarf Royal Palm | Kentia Palm | Peperomia Sandersii | Strawberry | |
Callistemon Brachyandrus | Dwarf Whitman Fern | Kenya Violet | Pepper Face | Striped Blushing | |
Callistemon citrinus | Earth Star | Kharoub | Persian Violet | Sudan Grass | |
Callistemon viminalis | Easter Cattleya | King and Queen Fern | Peruvian Lily | Sugar Pods | |
Calochortus nuttalli | Easter Daisy | King Nut | Petunia | Sulfur Flower | |
Camellia | Easter Lily Cactus | King of the Forest | Phalaenopsis Orchid | Summer Hyacinth | |
Canada Hemlock | Easter Orchid | Kuang-yen-pa-Hsieh | Pheasant | Sunflower | |
Canary Date Palm | Edible Banana | Lace Flower Vine | Piggy Back | Swamp Sunflower | |
Candle | Emerald Ripple Peperomia | Lace Orchid | Pignut Hickory | Swedish Ivy | |
Candycorn | English Hawthorn | Ladies Ear Drops | Pilea Microphylla | Sweet Potato Vine | |
Cane Palm | Episcia | Lady Lou | Pilea Mucosa | Sweetheart Hoya | |
Canna Lily | Fairy Fountain | Lady Palm | Pincushion Flower | Sword Fern | |
Canterbury-bell | False Aralia | Lady Slipper | Pink Brocade | Tailed Orchid | |
Cape Marigold | Fan Tufted Palm | Lagerstroemia Indica | Pink Splash | Tall Feather Fern | |
Cape Primrose | Feather Palm | Lance Pleomele | Pink Starlite | Tall Mahonia | |
Carob | Fennel | Laurel-Leaved Greenbrier | Pirliteiro | Tangerine Impatience | |
Caroba | Fiery Reed Orchid | Leather Peperomia | Pitaya | Teasel Gourd | |
Carolina Hemlock | Fig Leaf Gourd | Lemon Balm | Plantanus Occidentalis | Texas Sage | |
Carrion Flower | Figleaf Palm | Leopard Lily | Platinum Peperomia | Thea Japonica | |
Carrion Flower 2 | Fingernail | Leopard Orchid | Platycerium Alcicorne | Thimble Cactus | |
Carrot Fern | Fire Weed | Lesser Snapdragon | Plumbago Larpentiae | Thorn Apple |
Here are the simple steps to figuring out if your cat has eaten a poisonous plant:
That’s it, folks!
Be sure to glimpse through bookmark this page and glance through our tables of safe and non-safe options for your home.
We’ve provided a comprehensive list of non-toxic and toxic plants. We still suggest you search for the specific breed and family you want to buy. Keep your little ball of fur safe.