72 Plants and flowers toxic for dogs

If you’re the owner of a man’s best friend, you’re also constantly worried for their safety. Safety around the house means keeping check of possible items your dog might chew on and try to get a bite out of.

That’s why it’s important to know which house additions are safe in a house with dogs. Keep reading to find the complete list of 72 plants and flowers safe and toxic for dogs.


The most common plants and flowers that are toxic for dogs are aloe vera, tomato plants, and ivy. The most common plants and flowers that are safe for dogs that we recommend are snapdragons, orchids, and roses.

Table of Contents

Plants and flowers toxic for dogs

dog walking down the stairs

Being a pet owner can be a difficult task. Especially if you’re an established gardener, you must be wondering what flowers are poisonous to dogs. Don’t worry. We can get you started on the process of making your home pet-friendly.

This list contains house plants poisonous to your friends. Keep them away from their paws. Keep reading further ahead for the list of the fatal ones too.

Underneath, there’s a full list of the toxic plants. You should avoid those for your dog.

Toxic plants
Adam-and-EveDesert AzaleaJapanese YewPlumWhite Heads
African Wonder TreeDesert RoseJerusalem CherryPlumosa FernWild Arum
AlocasiaDevil’s BackboneJerusalem OakPoincianaWild Calla
AloeDevils IvyJonquilPoinsettiaWild Carnation
AmaryllisDieffenbachiaKaffir LilyPoison DaisyWild Coffee
Ambrosia MexicanaDockKalanchoePoison HemlockWinter Cherry
American BittersweetDog DaisyKiss-me-quickPoison ParsnipWinterberry
American HollyDog HobbleKlamath WeedPortulacaWisteria
American MandrakeDogbane HempKudu LilyPrayer BeanYarrow
American YewDracaenaLace FernPride-of-IndiaYellow Oleander
Andromeda JaponicaDumbcaneLacy Tree PhilodendronPrimroseYesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Angelica TreeDwarf PoincianaLady-of-the-nightPrivetYew
AppleEaster RoseLambkillPurslaneYew Pine
ApricotEastern StarLantanaQueensland NutYucca
Arrow-Head VineElephant EarsLarkspurRacemose Asparagus 
ArumElephant EarsLaurelRagwort 
Arum LilyElephant-Ear BegoniaLavenderRanger’s Button 
Asparagus FernEmerald FeatherLeatherflowerRed Emerald 
Australian Ivy PalmEnglish HollyLeekRed Princess 
Australian NutEnglish IvyLemonRed-Marginated Dracaena 
Autumn CrocusEnglish YewLemon GrassRex Begonia 
AzaleaEpazoteLemon VerbenaRhododendron 
Baby Doll TiEucalyptusLenten RoseRhubarb 
Barbados AloeEuropean BittersweetLily of the PalaceRibbon 
Barbados LilyEuropean HollyLily of the ValleyRidderstjerne 
Barbados PrideEverlasting PeaLily-of-the-Valley BushRock Moss 
Bay LaurelExoticaLimeRoman Chamomile 
Bead TreeFalse BittersweetLobeliaRosebay 
BegoniaFalse Queen Anne’s LaceLocustRunning Myrtle 
Bergamot OrangeFeather GeraniumLord-and-LadiesSabi Star 
Bird of ParadiseFern PalmLovageSacred Bamboo 
Bird of Paradise FlowerFetter BushMacadamia NutSaddle Leaf 
Bird’s Tongue FlowerFetterbushMadagascar Dragon TreeSago Palm 
Bishop’s WeedFiddle-LeafMaidens BreathSatin Pothos 
Bitter RootFigMalangaScented Geranium 
Black CallaFigwortMaleberrySchefflera 
Black CherryFire LilyMapleleaf BegoniaSeaside Daisy 
Black LaurelFlagMarble QueenSeven Bark 
Black NightshadeFlamingo FlowerMarijuanaShamrock 
Black WalnutFleabaneMarjoramShatavari 
BobbinsFlorida BeautyMauna Loa Peace LilyShowy Daisy 
Bog LaurelFlorist’s CallaMayappleSilver Dollar 
BorageFoxgloveMayweedSilver Jade 
BoxwoodFranciscan Rain TreeMeadow SaffronSkunk Cabbage 
Branching IvyGarden CallaMedicineSnake Lilly 
BrazilwoodGarden ChamomileMetallic Leaf BegoniaSnake Plant 
Bread and ButterGarden HyacinthMexican BreadfruitSolomon’s Lily 
BuckwheatGeraniumMintSpanish Thyme 
Buddhist PineGeranium-Leaf AraliaMistletoe “American”Spindle Tree 
Burning BushGiant DracaenaMock AzaleaSplit Leaf Philodendron 
ButtercupGiant Dumb CaneMole BeanSpotted Dumb Cane 
Butterfly IrisGiant HogweedMorning GlorySprengeri Fern 
CaladiumGlacier IvyMorning-Noon-and-NightSpring Parsley 
Calamondin OrangeGladiolaMoss RoseSt. John’s Wort 
California IvyGloriosa LilyMother of MillionsStaggerbush 
Calla LilyGold DieffenbachiaMother-in-LawStarch Root 
Cape JasmineGold Dust DracaenaMother-In-LawStarleaf 
CarawayGolden Birds NestMother-in-Law’s TongueStinking Chamomile 
Cardboard CycadGolden PothosMumStraight-Margined Dracaena 
Cardboard PalmGolden RagwortNaked LadyStriped Dracaena 
Cardinal FlowerGood LuckNandinaSuperb Lily 
CarnationGrapefruitNarcissusSweet Cherry 
Castor BeanGrass PalmNasturtiumSweet Pea 
CerimanGreater AmmiNeedlepoint IvySweet William 
ChamomileGreen Gold NaphthysisNephthytisSweetheart Ivy 
ChandelierGround AppleNicotianaSwiss Cheese 
Charming DieffenbachiaGroundselNightshadeTahitian Bridal Veil 
CherryHahn’s Self Branching English IvyOctopus TreeTail Flower 
Chinaberry TreeHashishOilcloth FlowerTaro 
Chinese EvergreenHawaiian TiOleanderTaro 
Chinese JadeHeartleaf PhilodendronOnionTaro Vine 
ChivesHeavenly BambooOrangeTarragon 
Choke CherryHelleboreOregano 
Christmas RoseHercules’ ClubOregon HollyTi-Plant 
ChrysanthemumHills of SnowOrnamental PepperTobacco 
ClematisHollyPacific YewTomato 
Climbing BittersweetHopsPainter’s PalletteTree Philodendron 
Climbing LilyHorse ChestnutPalm LilyTree Tobacco 
Climbing NightshadeHorsehead PhilodendronPandaTropic Snow 
Clivia LilyHorseweedPaper WhiteTrue Aloe 
Clusia RoseaHortensiaParaguayan JasmineTrumpet Lily 
Coffee TreeHostaParsleyTulip 
ColeusHurricanePeace BegoniaUmbrella Leaf 
Common PrivetHyacinthPeace LilyUmbrella Tree 
Coontie PalmHydrangeaPeachVariable Dieffenbachia 
CordatumImpala LilyPeacock FlowerVariegated Philodendron 
Corn PlantIndian ApplePencil CactusVariegated Wandering Jew 
CornstalkIndian BoragePeonyVinca 
Cow parsnipIndian HempPerennial PeaVirgin’s Bower 
CowbaneIndian HempPeriwinkleWahoo 
Cuckoo-pintIndian PinkPhilodendron PertusumWake Robin 
Cutleaf PhilodendronIndian RubberPie PlantWandering Jew 
CycadsInkberryPierisWarneckei Dracaena 
CyclamenIrisPig LilyWater Flag 
DaffodilIron Cross BegoniaPigtailWater Hemlock 
DahliaIvy ArumPink PearlWax-Leaf 
DaisyJack-in-the-pulpitPinksWeeping Fig 
Deadly NightshadeJadePlantain LilyWestern Yew 


Hydrangeas or Hortensias make perfect tabletop arrangements and come in striking colors like blue and lilac. But the sad news is that all hydrangeas are very toxic to your canine friend, and they should be avoided.

The cyanogenic glycoside makes dogs sick with symptoms like vomiting and depression. They may also experience stomach pain and loss of appetite, which is why you’ll want to keep them out of the house.

Keep them strictly away from even the hydrangeas vase water and all parts of the plant.


Come Christmas season. Your dog will be chasing around the kitchen for a piece of that fine cooking. But make sure they don’t go feasting on your festive décor, especially poinsettias. The sap contains similar elements to detergent, making it toxic for dogs and other pets.


Hostas are underrated and perfect for even a carefree teenager, thanks to their low maintenance. It blooms in beautiful bunches of white and purple, depending on the type.

Sadly though, they contain saponins which cause vomiting and poisoning in dogs. Hostas are very toxic and should be kept out of their reach.

Tea tree

Tea trees are fast-growing options whose health benefits are just starting to get popular amongst plant lovers. It’s great for the skin and hair, and you are likely to have a bottle of tea tree oil in your skincare too.

But dog lovers must know that serums and bottles with high quantities of tea trees are very poisonous. You must know that products with a small percentage of tea tree will not be as dangerous as a highly concentrated oil.


As romantic as tulips are in movies and poetry, they sadly aren’t practical in a house with many pets. These bulbous varieties contain a very toxic compound for cats and dogs. It can lead to severe diarrhea and even heart problems in pets.

Snake plants

These are commonly found in office spaces and in homes of busy plant lovers who love non-fussy varieties. It can grow under extraordinary circumstances like low light and less water.

Unfortunately, snake plants are also very toxic for cats and dogs. It makes them unsafe for a home with pets. The signs of poisoning usually start with numbness and pain. Swelling of the tongue and mouth is another dangerous symptom.

Still, they can lead to further stomach problems. Contact a vet immediately.


Wordsworth might have been in awe of daffodils, but he forgot to mention their toxicity levels for pets. These bulbous species contain lycorine which is poisonous to dogs.

The outer layers of leaves and petals contain crystals that can tear the tissues of your pet’s tongue and lead to excessive drooling. Even a single bulb can prove very dangerous for your puppy.


Seasonal winter favorite flowers include geraniums with bright pastel colors like pink, blues, and purples. However, you must know that all parts are highly toxic to dogs and cats.

This family includes Classic summer zonal and Brookside. Watch out for Dreamland and more than 400 other varieties, so it is best to do your research while buying a particular breed.


Sometimes known as mums or mumingtons, these are classic plants for gifting and decorating your home with a spot of color.

Though they may seem harmless, it is very toxic for pets. It can result in symptoms like hyper-salivation and vomiting. Irritation on the skin can also happen when exposed. It’s best to keep your puppy dog away from it!


Devil’s Ivy or Silk pothos is a common house option due to its low maintenance. It comes in many options with varying leaf colors like Golden and neon or heart-shaped leaves like the Manjula.

But keep in mind they are not suitable for a pet-friendly household. They can lead to mouth and skin irritation and gastric problems in dogs. This is not surprising, considering it is a relative of the toxic Philodendron.


Begonias are flowering plants that seem straight out of an artist’s canvas. They come in vivid colors like pinks and yellows and have more than a thousand varieties.

However, it may interest you to know that all varieties are very toxic to dogs. They contain needle-like crystals that can induce vomiting and cause pain in the mouth and tongue.


Gardenias’ colors and types are many. The most popular are the dreamy flowers that come in a cream-white color and sweet fragrance. The bad news is that all its types are severely poisonous to dogs and thus must be kept far away for a pet-friendly home.


This natural wonder includes flowers made of multi-colored parts that grow with plenty of sun and water. Grown in shrubs around office spaces and houses, it is toxic to dogs and other animals like cats and horses.

So if you’ve got pets in the house or have too many street dogs roaming around, it’s best to steer clear of this shrub.


While it is a common and essential part of many cuisines worldwide, that might not be the case for dogs.

Other plants of the garlic family can also prove dangerous for dogs. It’s due to the thiosulfate content, which can cause damage to blood cells and lead to anemia. Please note some may be harmed by less and some by more quantities.

Thiosulfate can also be found in:

  • Chives
  • Parsley
  • Spinach
  • Onions
  • Eggplant

Tomato plants

These are tough to keep. The solanine and tomatine in tomato plants are toxic for dogs. Ripe fruit contains lesser amounts and hence is less dangerous. You should keep your pups away from any unripe fruit and leaves since they are more likely to contain larger amounts of toxins.


While pink peonies make for great bouquets, the paeonol is toxic for dogs. It can lead to great stomach distress if ingested and thus must be kept away from pups and cats.


This is a type of Philodendron which is unsafe for the consumption of both humans and animals.

Even in humans, consumption can lead to swelling and irritation on the tongue. Even worse, symptoms can occur in dogs. So monsteras truly live up to their name and thus must be kept away from!

dog watching a computer

Christmas Cactus

The Schlumbergera plant is another popular holiday decoration that blossoms around Christmas with small, bright flowers.

While it isn’t toxic to dogs, its fiber or sap can be hard to digest. It might inflame the lining of your pup’s stomach. Older animals are usually smart enough to avoid spikey options like this. You can keep some holiday décor to show off.


It is known for the medicinal properties of its leaves and flowers. Honeysuckle can be very toxic to dogs. The cyanogenic glycoside and carotenoid content are the primary toxins.

They affect your dog’s health with signs like vomiting and breathing problems. Although there are 180 varieties of it, not all are toxic. It’s better to consult a vet if you suspect your pet has been ingesting it.


A Christmas must. It grows on several different trees like oak and pecan. It also grows on hickory and red maple since it is a parasitic plant.

It is not ideal for a house with pets as pretty as it is, although a shame. Its alkaloids and polysaccharide content can disturb the gastric working of a dog’s stomach. It can lead to other abnormal behavior.


An option similar in appearance to zinnias, dahlias are nowhere near as harmless. If there’s a list of plants that all farm animals and pets should steer clear of from miles away, this one is in the top 10. Any ingestion or exposure could cause plenty of distress and even organ failure.


This grass has many varieties like Fresh lemongrass and Cymbopogon nardus. The oil of this beauty is used for many cosmetic and healing properties. While it is commonly used to keep mosquitoes away, it could prove very dangerous if ingested by dogs and cats.

Maybe you’re putting them up at home for their mosquito-repellant properties. It’s best to keep them on window sills and other places. They should be well out of reach of your pets.

Morning glories

As glorious as it might make your mornings, it is so toxic for your dogs that it can even lead to hallucinations. Other symptoms include vomiting and diarrhea. If you spot the signs, visit a vet as soon as possible!


Exquisite and flowering with vivid colors in at least 200 varieties, irises are surely a stunner. Sadly, you’ll have to exclude irises from your garden.

PetMD claims it contains many compounds that can potentially be a threat to your dog’s health. These compounds are usually located in high concentrations in the bulb of the iris.


These are edible stalks of vegetables that are quite common in cooking and baking. However, the oxalic acid it has can lead to coma and organ failure in dogs if ingested. The leaves and the stems pose the most threat to pets. They must be kept out of reach at all times.


Sometimes called a ‘sword lily,’ they feature stalks with several iris-like flowers growing vertically on one stalk. These impressive varieties are bulbous and contain many toxins that aren’t safe for dogs, especially buds.


These are short-lived seasonal options that have uniquely forked petals. It is a type of carnation which is severely toxic for dogs. Dianthus Caryophyllus implies the relation to the carnation and thus must be kept away from homes with your four-legged friends in them.


You’ll be surprised what a harmless potato could do to your dog. The raw potato contains solanine, also present in tomatoes. It is very toxic for dogs.

However, baking or cooked potatoes can reduce the content and be safer for consumption. But we’d still recommend good old dog food instead!

If you have this plant at home, consider the following safety measures in order to protect your dog:

  • Place your plant in an area where your dog has no access.
  • Supervise your dog when it is near your indoor garden.
  • Train your dog to stay away from the plants.
  • Use repellents that keep your dog away from your plant.


It is a legume that explains its vertical growth in soothing lilac colors. A wisteria bush is truly magical to walk through, but your furry friends should be kept several feet away.

The seeds and seed pods can make for a dangerous threat to your puppy’s stomach. They can lead to even worse symptoms if not treated on time.


This large family contains many popular species like the fiddle-lead and Swiss-cheese plants. The ASPCA has listed this family as mild to moderately toxic for dogs and cats. Thus all members of the genus must be avoided in pet-friendly homes.


They may look innocent but can be very harmful to your puppies and cats. Whether it is the chamomile or mayweed type, it’s best to avoid daisies in a house with dogs.

What plants will kill a dog?


Everyone loves a grapevine growing in their house compound, especially if you’re a fruit lover! But did you know that even a single grape can become the cause of death in dogs and cats?

Acute kidney failure is commonly seen in cases of grape ingestion in dogs. However, the scientific reason behind this is still unknown.


The genus ‘Lilium’ is simply off-limits to our furry friends. That means the true ‘lilies’ contain toxic elements that cause gastrointestinal problems if ingested by dogs. These include:

  • Calla lilies
  • Easter lilies
  • Glory lily
  • Japanese Show lily
  • leopard lily
  • Peace lily
  • Peruvian Lily
  • and Stargazer lily.

Keep in mind several of these may have lily in the name but are rather non-toxic to your friend. Do your research on their genus before buying.


Delicate azalea flowers are anyone’s favorite. But did you know that ingestion of even 0.2% of the animal’s body weight can cause your dog to be poisoned?

The grayanotoxins in the azalea affect the sodium channels of the muscles. It causes poisoning and signs like excessive drooling and vomiting. Diarrhea and trouble walking are also signs of exposure.


You might have taken your dogs for a walk and noticed acorns splattered under an acorn tree and wondered if your pets should be around it. You’re right to be cautious since acorns contain tannins which can be very harmful to them.

While humans can safely consume acorns and their flour, they will likely suffer from liver failure if even a single acorn is ingested. That’s why strict vigilance is required around acorn trees.

Peace lilies

The Lilium genus has many classifications, including one of the Peace lilies. While they make striking additions to bouquets, peace lilies should be kept far from dogs and cats.

Even if the leaf or petal is slightly licked, it can lead to tears in their mouth tissues. Further ingestion can cause even more damage. So you should make your peace with the fact that lilies are a big ‘no’ around dogs!

Easter lilies

Easter lilies get their name from the holiday. They appear to blossom most around. While it’s perfectly common to see the horn-shaped flower in its pristine white form, did you know it can be very toxic for your pets?

All its parts can cause severe stomach issues and even kidney failure. Due to this, it can often become fatal if not kept out of reach of pets.

Calla lilies

This type of lily is a plant of the Arum family and a relative of the toxic Philodendron. Like any other lily, this variety is also very poisonous to dogs and cats. Ingestion can lead to heart palpitations and seizures if not medicated on time.


A beautiful option blooms in bunches and signifies a ‘red tree’ with its name. It has more than 1000 species in its family. The large size and distinctive color can be spotted from a mile away.

Nevertheless, keeping your pets away from this stunning beauty is important. The leaves are very toxic, while the flower and nectar can also be harmful. The honey from it has been known to cause poisoning in humans too.

Sago Palms

Don’t be fooled by the name. This palm is a cycad and highly toxic for all pets. The seeds contain the highest toxicity levels and can even lead to organ failure in pets, so beware!

You’re likely to find it in office corners and hotel lobbies. It’s important to keep an eye on your pets in public areas too.

Holly berries

Ever thought of munching your Christmas décor? Whether you or your pet, it’s never a great idea with these berries since they are very toxic for both humans and their pets. Keep your toddlers and pups away from this enticing fruit!


Remember that list of toxic plants for humans and dogs? Oleander is pretty high on that list. Not only will each variety cause varying symptoms of poisoning, but a single leaf can be fatal for adults.

So it’s best to do your research before you and your four-legged friend go camping in the great outdoors.


A member of the olive family, this tiny but powerfully sweet-smelling flower is a treat to the eyes. Unfortunately, this beauty must be kept out of reach of pets and children.

Even one leaf can cause alkaloid toxins to be lethal for humans and dogs. Not just ingestion but even absorption through the skin through jasmine oil or any other source may cause allergies in pets.


This one attracts many butterflies and is thus considered a gardener’s favorite. On the contrary, the Pet Poison Helpline lists milkweed as a variety that can lead to moderate to severe toxicosis in dogs.

The signs of ingestion include nausea and heart problems. Collapsing and tremors is also a symptom to be aware of. Exposure could even lead to death.

Common Plants which are Safe for Dogs

Let’s look at a list that both the pet-lovers and plant-lovers can agree on. Here are the safest ones for your furry balls of joy.

Good news – here’s a full chart of options that are safe for your furry friends.

dog on a couch
Safe plants
AchiraCelosia PlumosaForster Sentry PalmLittle ZebraPoison SumacTickseed
Acorn SquashCelosia SpicataFortunes PalmLiving Rock CactusPolka DotTiger Lily
African DaisyChamaedoreaFreckle FaceLiving StonesPolystichum FalcatumTiger Orchid
African VioletChaparralFriendshipLoco WeedPony TailToad Spotted Cactus
AlgarobaChenilleGarden MarigoldLocust PodsPorcelain FlowerTorch Lily
AluminumChervilGarden SnapdragonMadagascar JasminePot MarigoldTous-les-mois
AlumrootChestnutGerber DaisyMagnolia BushPrairie LilyTrailing Peperomia
AlyssumChicken-GizzardGerman VioletMahoniaPrayerTree Cactus
American RubberChickens and HensGherkinsMajesty PalmProstrate ColeusTree Gloxinia
Amur MapleChin-lao-shuGhost Leafless OrchidMalabar GourdPupleosier WillowTropical Moss
Anthericum ComosumChina AsterGhostMalaysian DracaenaPurple Baby TearsTrue Cantaloupe
Antirrhinum MultiflorumChina RootGiant AsterManila PalmPurple Passion VineTu Fu-Ling
Arabian GentianChinese PlumbagoGiant Holly FernMarantaPurple VelvetTulip Poplar
Areca PalmChlorophytumGiant Touch-Me-NotMarbled FingernailPurple WaffleTurban Squash
AregeliaChlorophytum bichettiGiant White InchMariposa LilyQueencupTurf Lily
Artillery PlantChocolate SoldierGlobe ThistleMaroonQueens SpiderwortUmbrella
Aspidium falcatumChristmas CactusGloxiniaMaroon ChenilleQueensland ArrowrootUrbinia Agavoides
Australian PineChristmas DaggerGold BloomMary-BudRabbits Foot FernUsambara Violet
Autumn OliveChristmas OrchidGold-FishMeaslesRainbow OrchidVariegated Laurel
Baby RubberChristmas PalmGolden BellsMetallic PeperomiaRed African VioletVariegated Wax
Baby’s BreathCilantroGolden Butterfly PalmMexican FirecrackerRed Berried GreenbrierVelvet
Baby’s TearsCinnamonGolden Lace OrchidMexican RosettesRed Edge PeperomiaVenus Fly Trap
Bachelors ButtonsCinquefoilGolden Shower OrchidMexican SnowballsRed HawthorneVerona Fern
Ball FernCirrhopetalumGood Luck PalmMiniature Date PalmRed LilyVerona Lace Fern
BambooClearweedGrape HyacinthMiniature Fish TailRed MapleVining Peperomia
Bamboo PalmCliff BrakeGrape IvyMiniature MarantaRed Palm LilyViolet Slipper Gloxinia
Bamboo VineClub MossGreat Willow HerbMiniature MarbleRed Veined PrayerWaffle
BananaCocks CombGreen Ripple PeperomiaMistletoe CactusReed PalmWalking Anthericum
Banana SquashCocktail OrchidGreenbrierMockernut HickoryResurrection LilyWashington Hawthorn
Barberton DaisyCollinia ElegansHagbrierMoney TreeRhynchophorumWater Hickory
Barnaby’s ThistleCommon CamelliaHardy Baby TearsMosaicRibbonWater Hyacinth
BasilCommon CatbrierHardy GloxiniaMosaic VaseRoosevelt FernWatermelon Begonia
BeetsCommon Garden CannaHare FernMoss AgateRoseWatermelon Peperomia
Begonia, ClimbingCommon GreenbrierHaworthiaMoss CampionRose of ChinaWatermelon Pilea
Begonia, TrailingCommon SnapdragonHawsMoss FernRose of SharonWax
Belmore Sentry PalmCommon Staghorn FernHaws AppleMoss PhloxRosemaryWax Rosette
Big Shagbark HickoryConfederate JasmineHawthornMossy CampionRubrum LilyWeeping Bottlebrush
Big Shellbark HickoryCoolwortHedgehog GourdMother FernRussian KnapweedWeeping Sargent Hemlock
Bitter PecanCopper RoseHellfetterMother of PearlRussian OliveWeisdornbluten
BitternutCopperleafHemlock TreeMother SpleenwortSaffron Spike ZebraWest Indian Gherkin
Black HawCoral BellsHen and Chickens FernMountain CamelliaSageWestern Sword
Black HawthornCoreopsisHens and ChickensMountain GrapeSaint Bernards LilyWhite Edged Swedish Ivy
Blackjack PineCornflowerHibiscusMulberry Bush GreenbrierSalad BurnetWhite Ginger
Blaspheme VineCrape MyrtleHindu RopeMulberry TreeSand LilyWhite Heart Hickory
BloodleafCreeping CharlieHoary AlyssumMusa ParadisiacaSand VerbenaWhitman Fern
Blooming SallyCreeping GloxiniaHolligoldMuscari ArmeniacumSatin PellioniaWild Buckwheat
Blue BeadCreeping MahoniaHolly FernMuskmelonSavoryWild Hyacinth
Blue DaisyCreeping PileaHollyhockNasturtiumSawbrierWild Lantana
Blue EcheveriaCreeping RubusHoney LocustNatal PlumScabiousWild Sasparilla
Blue Eyed DaisyCreeping ZinniaHoney PlantNeanthe Bella PalmScarborough LilyWild Strawberry
Blue-dicksCrepe MyrtleHoneydew MelonNematanthus spp.Scarlet OrchidWillow Herb
Blue-eyed African DaisyCrimson BottlebushHoneysuckle FuchsiaNeoregeliaScarlet SageWindmill Palm
BluebottleCrimson CupHookera pulchellaNerve PlantSego LilyWinter Cattleya
Blunt Leaf PeperomiaCrisped Feather FernHubbard SquashNight Blooming CereusShagbark HickoryWithered Snapdragon
Blushing BromeliadCrossandraHypocyrtaOld Man CactusShan Ku’ei-laiWood Lily
Bold Sword FernCucumberIce PlantOld World OrchidShellbark HickoryWoolflower
Boston FernCushion AloeImp atience PlantOrange Day LilyShrimp CactusYellow Bloodleaf
Bottle PalmCushion MossIrish MossOrange StarSilver BellYellow Palm
BottlebrushCyrtudeiraIron TreeOregon GrapeSilver BerryYellow-Flowered Gourd
Brazilian OrchidDainty Rabbits-Foot FernIvy PeperomiaOssifragi VaseSilver HeartYellowrocket
Bride’s BonnetDallas FernJackson BrierPaddys WigSilver Pink VineYorba Linda
Bristly GreenbrierDancing Doll OrchidJacob’s LadderPainted LadySilver StarZebra Haworthia
Brodiaea PulchellaDay LiliesJapanese AraliaPampas GrassSilver Table FernZinnia
Broom HickoryDesert TrumpetJapanese Holly FernPanamigaSilver Tree AnamigaZucchini Squash
BullbrierDichelostemmaJapanese MossPansy OrchidSlender Deutzia 
Bur GourdDichorisandra ReginaeJapanese PittosporumParadise PalmSmall Fruited Hickory 
Burro’s TailDillJapanese Show LilyParlor PalmSmilax Tamnoides Vas 
Buttercup SquashDinteranthusJasmineParsley FernSpeckled Wood Lily 
Butterfly GingerDuffii FernJewel OrchidPatient LucySpice Orchid 
Butternut SquashDwarf Date PalmJoseph’s CoatPatientSpider Flower 
Buzzy LizzieDwarf Feather PalmJungle GeraniumPeacockSpider Ivy 
CaerobaDwarf PalmKaempferiaPearlSpider 
CalatheaDwarf Rose-Stripe StarKahali GingerPearly DotsStar Jasmine 
California PitcherDwarf Royal PalmKenilworth IvyPeperomia HederifoliaStar Lily 
Callistemon BrachyandrusDwarf Whitman FernKentia PalmPeperomia PeltfoliaStar 
Callistemon citrinusEarth StarKenya VioletPeperomia RotundifoliaStargazer Lily 
Callistemon viminalisEaster CattleyaKharoubPeperomia SandersiiStevia 
Calochortus nuttalliEaster DaisyKing and Queen FernPepper FaceStrawberry 
CamelliaEaster LilyKing NutPersian VioletStriped Blushing 
Canada HemlockEaster Lily CactusKing of the ForestPeruvian LilySudan Grass 
Canary Date PalmEaster OrchidKuang-yen-pa-hsiehPetuniaSugar Pods 
CandleEdible BananaLace Flower VinePhalaenopsis OrchidSulfur Flower 
CandycornEmerald Ripple PeperomiaLace OrchidPheasantSummer Hyacinth 
Cane PalmEnglish HawthornLadies Ear DropsPiggy BackSunflower 
Canna LilyEpisciaLady LouPignut HickorySwamp Sunflower 
Canterbury-bellFairy FountainLady PalmPilea MicrophyllaSwedish Ivy 
Cape MarigoldFalse AraliaLady SlipperPilea MucosaSweet Potato Vine 
Cape PrimroseFan Tufted PalmLagerstroemia IndicaPincushion FlowerSweetheart Hoya 
CarobFeather PalmLance PleomelePink BrocadeSword Fern 
CarobaFennelLaurel-Leaved GreenbrierPink SplashTailed Orchid 
Carolina HemlockFiery Reed OrchidLeather PeperomiaPink StarliteTall Feather Fern 
Carrion FlowerFig Leaf GourdLemon BalmPirliteiroTall Mahonia 
Carrot FernFigleaf PalmLeopard LilyPitayaTangerine Impatience 
Carrot FlowerFingernailLeopard OrchidPlantanus OccidentalisTeasel Gourd 
Casaba MelonFire WeedLesser SnapdragonPlatinum PeperomiaTexas Sage 
Cast IronFish Tail FernLilyPlatycerium AlcicorneThea Japonica 
Cat BrierFlame African VioletLily of the Valley OrchidPlumbago LarpentiaeThimble Cactus 
Cat EarFlame of the WoodsLindenPlushThorn Apple 
Cattleya LabiataFlorida Butterfly OrchidLipstick PlanPoison IvyThyme 
Celosia GlobosaFluffy RufflesLittle Fantasy PeperomiaPoison OakTi hu-ling 


A garden favorite, petunias blossom in several different colors and breeds and make your house glow from a distance. You’ll be happy to know that The American Society of Prevention to Cruelty to Animals has no reports of poisoning caused by petunias in dogs. Petunias are non-toxic, stunning flowers that are perfect for a pet-friendly environment.


If you’re a plant lover and want some earthy décor, succulents are a great option. Not only are they low maintenance, but they also remain stunning all year long. Echeveria and Haworthia are popular succulents that make for lovely décor around the house.

The great news is that most succulents are completely non-toxic and remain a non-threat to dogs. This is because they simply don’t arouse any curiosity because of their smell and texture.

However, some varieties like jade can be very toxic if ingested. It’s best to do your research before you go shopping!


Pot marigolds are easy to maintain and bear yellow and orange flowers that are eye-catching from a distance. The best part is that they are considered safe for dogs and cats by the ASPCA.

A little bit of nibbling won’t harm your friend, but a lot might. They simply don’t have the digestive enzymes to process the marigold, so it’s essential they don’t ingest too much of it.


Orchids are some of the most versatile and gorgeous options to have around the house. The best part is they are pet-friendly and non-toxic, too! Your curious puppy can sniff and munch on orchids without any supervision needed.


Apart from being wish-blowing genies, dandelions are also known worldwide for their medicinal properties.

That’s why it’s also often a part of dogs’ diets and supplements. Dandelions naturally contain most vitamins and minerals required by them. That’s why they’re completely non-toxic around your furry friends.


Think again if you’re starting to think too many plants are toxic for your dog. Blueberries are a great way to boost your dog’s health.

They have antioxidants which make them super-food for both dogs and humans! It’s safe to include this berry as 10% of its diet and ensure their essential vitamin and mineral intake.


Now you’re favorite rose beds needn’t go anywhere if you’re bringing home a puppy. No part of this gorgeous flower is toxic for a dog.

But keep in mind munching too much on the leaves or blossoms can give your puppy a mild tummy ache. If you’re sprayed some pesticide or chemical on it, ingestion can be a major concern for pets since it may cause a reaction.


They don’t bear fruit or flowers but have stunning length and thus commonly feature in offices and homes. The good news is that they aren’t toxic for your dogs too.

But it’s best to check up on the specific type of fern you’re bringing into the house. A few ferns can be toxic for pups, like the Asparagus.


These lavender-colored flowers are beautiful and practical since no part of them is considered toxic to dogs. Whether it’s ingestion or skin irritation concerns, it acts as a good way to brighten up your garden and keep your pets curious too.

But keep in mind that too much fiber in the diet can irritate their stomach lining since it’s difficult to digest. Less munching on plants in general!


This soothing herb can heal many ailments, not just in humans but also in dogs! Many pet owners use the oil from this herb for their dogs to smell and relax. It’s otherwise known as Aromatherapy.

The plant is safer when inhaled rather than ingested in dogs. It is recommended you still take the advice of a vet before any such medication to avoid any possible toxicosis.


The touch-me-not plant has more than a thousand options to choose from. The great news is you can choose any of them without any fear of a pet-friendly home. All true options of the impatiens family will prove safe for your pets.


Another multi-colored option that comes in stunning colors is the pansy. The best part is the whole plant is safe to include in your home and even ingested by dogs. Let your pups munch without fear on these tasty buds. It’s not enough to ruin your garden or hurt their tummy!


These are everybody’s favorite with high nutritional content like Riboflavin and Vitamin A. Potassium is another great one. The good news is that even dogs can have them, as long as they are store-bought.

Store-bought Cremini and white buttons are great for your pup’s diet. Portobello mushrooms are, too. But the yard or the park is where pet owners should draw the line. Some varieties can be toxic to humans and dogs.

dog outside


A summer bloomer, this one is straight out of a children’s coloring book. And the best part? It’s completely pet-friendly! Yes, ingesting and loitering around zinnia beds will only cause your pet to have plenty of fun and a full tummy.

Majesty palm

This beach plant truly lives up to its name and is pet-friendly too! Most palms are safe for dogs and cats. For instance, Areca and Ponytail varieties are safe. It’s important to double-check the name before bringing home any palm.

Some plants may have ‘palm’ in name but are part of another genus. For instance, the sago palm is highly toxic since it is a part of the cycad family.

Spider plants

Also known as hen and chicken or ribbon plant, this species is unique with long leaves and unique shades of green. It is so easy to maintain it’s almost impossible to get it wrong.

Due to its non-toxicity, it’s also a must for pet-friendly households with people wanting to spruce up their homes! Even a few nibbles won’t harm your pup.


A favorite of all cocktail lovers, this herb is refreshing and soothing to almost all humans. While you can let your dog have a few leaves to freshen his breath, avoid certain varieties.

These include English Pennyroyal, which is toxic for dogs. It’s best to avoid more than a couple of leaves of the safe options for your dog since too much can lead to a tummy ache.

Day Lilies

Although the name suggests caution, this plant isn’t from the lily family and instead belongs to the Hemerocallis genus.

While you must keep it well away from cats, they pose no real threat to dogs and are completely safe to be around them. Its gorgeousness can brighten your garden and your dog’s mood at once!

Bee Balm

Bee balm is a unique home addition with stringy petals and grows in vivid colors like red and purple. You can also find them in pinks and blues.

And the good news is that your pets are very much safe around these stunning flowerbeds. Go on and impress your neighbors with bee balm growth without any fear!


This favorite herb in Italian cuisine is also a favorite of puppies. Not only is it great for your dog’s tummy and heart, but it also has natural antioxidants.

They are known to prevent cancer. Thought it couldn’t get any better? The herb is also a natural way to keep fleas away. It is a must for a house with pups!


This delicious fruit is a favorite of every human and even dog! The vitamin C and fiber are great for your pup and even act as a teeth-whitener. Since they contain sugar, don’t feed them too much!


They are named after the dragon-looking face that they make on squeezing. These long-flowering plants are perfectly safe around dogs! So you can grow a whole shrub and let your pup roam around in peace.

Canna lilies

We know we’ve warned you against lilies already, but here’s an exception. It is completely non-toxic since it isn’t truly part of the lily family. While no plant should be eaten in excess, it’s safe if your puppy goes nibbling a bite or two.


The burst of Vitamin C is a great snack for your dog, although they may not be a fan of its strong citrus smell. But do remember to peel and de-seed the orange, so your puppy doesn’t choke.


This natural sugar substitute is great for humans and dogs too! They are completely non-toxic to dogs. It’s still recommended you don’t feed them too much of any plant to avoid tummy aches.


Many mint-like wilds, spearmint, and peppermint species are completely safe for your dogs. The only known variety which is toxic is the English Pennyroyal. So go ahead and give your dog that minty mocktail refreshment!


Blooming similarly to Gladiolus, Hollyhocks are stunning flowering plants that attract much wildlife. Thankfully, they are also non-poisonous for dogs. Ingestion isn’t the main concern as touching it may cause skin allergies.


Also known as lily turfs, these are grass-like plants used in landscaping. The good news with this one is that your home can be neatly landscaped and stay pet-friendly too! The turf lily is very much safe for your puppy to roll around in.

That’s all, folks!

Now that you’ve got an idea of the most popular 72 plants and flowers safe and toxic for dogs, you can create a safe and secure home for your pets. Remember that they are canines, and their diets do not involve plants. Large consumption of even non-toxic varieties can lead to health issues. Consult a vet immediately if you suspect your pup has been up to no good.

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