Paint Fumes & Pregnancy: 1st, 2nd, 3rd Trimester

When preparing the nursery, most women prefer to be hands-on. They sometimes even do all the work themselves. In contrast, it is pretty safe for them to do the careful lifting. Painting the room while pregnant may not be safe with the fumes and chemicals involved, whether in the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd trimester.

We all know that most products have strong smells, that even just opening a can will already give anyone a whiff of its signature scent. Many manufacturers are now producing solutions that they claim emit little to no smell. Are they still genuinely safe for any expectant mother to use?

And what about the other related activities, such as stripping old paint off the walls and other surfaces? Can those who are in various stages of their pregnancies also do it?

There is a bit of a gray area with this topic, and this is what we will dive into in this article.

Is It Okay to Paint While Pregnant?

There are no precise results yet on the effects of paint on expectant mothers, so it may be okay to do while pregnant. However, there are still some aspects that pregnant women should be careful about. That is why they must always take safety measures seriously.

One of the biggest concerns is exposure to paint fumes during your pregnancy’s 1s, 2nd, or 3rd trimester. There have been studies that try to understand the effects during pregnancy. They focus more on recreational and occupational painting activities than one-off house painting and the like. The data is still insufficient that scientists and doctors cannot make a definite conclusion yet.

But when it comes to fumes, these studies have shown a slim chance of an unborn baby being affected by it. The same cannot be said for those directly exposed to such fumes, pregnant or not.

When painting, the mother gets directly affected by the fumes. The baby may not. But with, constant exposure may affect the baby as well. This exposure can result in various health effects for both the mother and the child, such as:

  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Issues with the central nervous system and renal system
  • Kidney or liver damage
  • Miscarriage
  • Slow development of the baby while in the womb
  • Premature birth
  • Birth defects and abnormalities, particularly in the face and ears
  • Development delays and learning issues
  • Acquisition of childhood ALL or acute lymphoblastic leukemia

Not all paints have the same effects, as certain types are much safer for them to use. We will discuss these in a later section.

Aside from fumes, exposure to lead is also a genuine concern. It’s especially if the home is old and was built in 1978 or earlier. The use of lead was very prevalent back then, and there is a big chance that this type was used for any old house constructed within that time frame.

It is normal to strip down or sand old walls before painting the room with another color. If there is a chance of lead being present, testing must be done first before doing so. These activities will create plenty of dust, toxic if lead is present.

Lead test kits can immediately indicate whether lead is present on the surface or not. Even if painting only the nursery, it is good practice to check the entire home for its presence to address any problem immediately. Bulk lead test kits must be used since basic kits are only suitable for a limited number of uses and are only enough to test one room.

It will hardly pose any health issues if it is still in good condition. It becomes dangerous when there are signs of damage on the wall itself. This damaged part can result in toxic lead dust or chips that cannot be seen nor smelled and is dangerous when inhaled. With prolonged exposure, this can lead to lead poisoning that may result in death.

Testing for lead in such homes should never be skipped. The health hazards associated with lead poisoning are serious and can be fatal, with pregnant women especially vulnerable to it. This is because lead will enter the bloodstream. Unlike fumes, the lead can easily get through the placenta and affect the unborn baby.

Lead-related health effects that both mother and child can experience include:

  • Spontaneous abortion
  • Seizures
  • Gestational hypertension
  • Low birth weight
  • Behavioral issues
  • Growth and development delays
  • Anemia
  • High blood pressure
  • Respiratory problems
  • Abdominal pain, which can lead to premature birth
  • Peripheral neuropathy and other neurological issues of the baby
  • Death

Because of these risks, pregnant women should never do any work that may involve lead-based paint or any exposure. But if working with safe products, women may do the actual work. It’s as long as they use certain pregnancy-safe types.

Safety Precautions to Follow

Paint exposure happens in three ways: inhalation, ingestion, and skin absorption. This is why it is easy for anyone to be put at risk.

The best way to avoid any associated risks is to get someone else to do it. Women can still do it while pregnant if they follow the different safety precautions before and during, and after the work is done. These include:

  • Consulting with the doctor if it is safe to do so, as it may not be safe for high-risk pregnancies
  • Using only products that are safe to use. If possible, checking with manufacturers if theirs can be used by expecting mothers.
  • Make sure that the room is well-ventilated by opening all doors and other openings so that the fumes will not be trapped in the room.
  • Cover up the entire body by wearing overalls or long-sleeved shirts and pants. Wear goggles and gloves to prevent chemicals from coming into contact with the skin.
  • Wear a face mask or respirator, particular those that have been approved by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. It helps avoid the inhalation of fumes.
  • Never work on any surface that has tested positive for lead. Someone else must do all the work that involves such exposure.
  • Stay away from the vicinity of the house or any structure while lead removal and the subsequent cleanup are ongoing. The risk of exposure to the lead dust or chips even if they are not doing the actual removal is highest during those times.
  • Only doing small projects, such as a nursery. They should never do projects that will take a long time to finish, such as trying to do the entire house. This exposes them to fumes for longer periods.
  • Immediately leaving the room when they start feeling unwell, especially at the first signs of lightheadedness or nausea. Expectant mothers should never push themselves to finish the job if they are already feeling ill or uncomfortable.
  • Going on breaks every now and then, ideally as often as every 15 to 20 minutes. During those breaks, they must see to it that they get fresh air.
  • Not climbing up ladders and keeping both feet firmly on the ground when painting. There is a shift in the center of gravity while in a pregnant state, so climbing up on ladders will be dangerous.
  • Never eating or drinking inside the area where work is ongoing, as this can lead to contamination of food.
  • Washing up afterwards, even if there are no splatters present on the skin.
  • In case it gets on the skin, it must only be removed using soap and water. Never use chemical removers, including acetone.
  • Allowing the newly done room to be kept well-ventilated for a few days, and avoiding entering the room during that period.
  • Discarding cans and any leftovers properly after the work is done.

For most people, painting can be done at any time. But for those who are expecting, they must never do it during the first trimester. This is the period when the organs of the fetus are being developed. Painting may cause irreversible effects to the baby, such as congenital birth defects. Not only that, but the risk of miscarriage is also higher during this time.

The third trimester is also not ideal, as expectant mothers often have mobility issues during this period. They may have difficulty moving around, especially due to the size of their bellies and the added weight they are carrying. It will make many tasks a challenge for them. Going up on ladders is especially risky for them, as they can easily get off-balanced.

The second trimester is recommended for pregnant women to paint because safety risks are lower, ideally starting at 14 weeks. The fetus’s organs have mostly developed, the chance of miscarriage is lessened. They are more stable in terms of mobility. However, this does not mean they can ignore safety measures.

Always following the different safety measures is a must for an expecting mother, protecting the mother and the child.

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