Best Paint Stripper for Brick & Wood

When drastically changing paint colors, most people would remove the old stuff from the surface first and then reapply new. However, different surfaces require different methods. Choosing the best paint stripper for specific surfaces is important, like wood, concrete, masonry, and brick.

Choosing the right type ensures that paint is removed easily and will not damage the surface or material it is applied to. Some use strong chemicals that may work great with specific surfaces but are ineffective on others.

paint remover

Maybe you still have some leftover material that you used effectively for acrylic paint that was accidentally spilled all over your furniture. You may not get the same results when using it on your deck. You need to know which one to use for the specific surface you will be working on.

If this already sounds tedious to you, don’t worry because we are here to help you out. We will guide you in picking the right kind for your needs.

Best Paint Stripper for Brick & Wood

Here is a summary of the products we tested:

  • Best paint stripper for wood: Smart Strip
  • Best paint stripper for brick: Jasco

Best for Wood

Plenty of options can work on various surfaces. Choosing a specialized product that only works on specific surfaces is often better, especially if it involves only one surface type. And when it comes to choosing the best paint stripper for wood, there are a couple of options to choose from.


Liquid ones can be used for all kinds of wood surfaces, generally the best option. It includes spot work on wood surfaces. Caustic and solvent strippers will all work on wood. It is still important to choose the right type based on the material to remove and what kind of finishing will be done afterward.

For wood with thick layers of paint that will be turned a different color, caustic strippers will work best. It’s even on a carved surface because it can cause discoloration or permanent stains. If the aim is to preserve the look and feel of wood as much as possible, solvent strippers are ideal because they are less intrusive with wood.

Smart Strip

For chemical strippers, we recommend Smart Strip.

NameAdvanced Paint Remover
Country of Origin‎USA
Item Weight‎4 pounds
Layers of paint removed15
Other sizes availableYes
Size1-5 Gallon


  • It’s a great product.
  • The chemical stripper comes from a reputable company.
  • We like it more than other products.


  • There are cheaper chemical strippers out there.
  • We wish the packaging was better.
  • It won’t get rid of the waste for you.

Visit Smart Strip on Amazon


Good old-fashioned sanding is another method that works on wood, often using an electric or power sander. However, this should ideally be used only on flat surfaces. It can ruin woodwork, such as moldings and decorative wood. That is why this method is recommended only on wood floors and walls.

Sanding is possible if working with wooden furniture and other similar surfaces. But it’s only when done by hand using a sanding block and with the right kind of sandpaper. However, this can be time-consuming because a single pass will not be enough to get it done entirely. The wooden surface must be sanded with fine grain and coarse sandpaper to get the best results.


Another method used on both even and uneven surfaces is through heat. It should be done with caution, as too much heat can damage the wood.

To avoid it, use a low heat infrared heat than a torch with an open flame or a heat gun that produces high heat. However, the bulky size of an infrared tool makes them not ideal for use over furniture. That is why they are best used on large, flat wood surfaces.

Work on outdoor surfaces using heat can also be done using steam. Best for heavy-duty use, the steam produced acts as an emulsifier that will allow the paint to be easily removed. While the risk of fire is minimal, this method is known to cause warping on the wood. It can be difficult to fix.

Power Washing

Power washing may be used for decks and outdoor wood surfaces, not just to clean surfaces. However, peeling layers must be removed first. The solution should be applied on the surface and allowed to dwell before doing so.

The right water pressure is needed because weak pressure will be ineffective. At the same time, water pressure that is too strong can damage the wood. Working with latex paint will require less water pressure since it is easier to remove than oil-based ones.

When done right, it can be the fastest method. It’s great when working in a large area. Pressure washing can only be done outdoors. It will involve large volumes of water that can cause issues when used indoors.

Do note that regardless of which method is used, it will still involve scraping the paint off. If you expect it to fall off on its own, that will never happen. Most of these require scraping as a final step. Power washing normally involves scraping before using the pressure washer and afterward for the remaining stubborn parts.

Sun Joe

Here’s the power washer we recommend.

Name14.5-Amp Electric High-Pressure Washer
BrandSun Joe
Hose Length20 Feet
Item Weight24.3 Pounds
Maximum Pressure2030 Pound per Square Inch
Power SourceCorded Electric


  • We love that it has overnight delivery.
  • Easy to use
  • Great value


  • Make sure you take the nozzle off after use.
  • Some believe it doesn’t provide the pressure promised.

Best for Masonry & Brick

Making sure that every nook and cranny of an uneven surface is evenly painted can be quite challenging. Still, it is even more so in the preparation stage. That is why this is the hardest surface to work on among those discussed. Finding the best paint stripper for brick & masonry is not easy, especially if preservation is also a major concern. We found that the best paint stripper for brick is Jasco.

Liquid Options

It is important to use the least intrusive methods to preserve brick and masonry, especially for historic homes. That is why using liquid paint strippers should be done cautiously. These chemicals may have a strong reaction to the surface that can cause permanent discoloration, especially for older masonry and brick.

When using liquid products, only those that are specially formulated for brick and masonry surfaces should be used. Caustic, solvent, and biochemical solutions may work. Make sure to get those intended for use on these surfaces. Caustic products should also be the last option. They can be absorbed by the porous surface and cause long-term damage that may not be instantly visible. Certain solvent products are water-soluble, and these are the best for masonry and brick.

Too often, liquid solutions will not immediately work with masonry and brick. That is why multiple applications are usually made. Again, it should be done with caution to avoid any possible damage.

Power Washing

If the paint on masonry and brick is already in poor condition, power washing may easily get the job done. This method may not be advisable for soft or weak bricks and masonry, typical for old homes. Even at the lowest setting, the water pressure may be too strong for the surface to withstand. It is typically used only when other methods do not work.

Using sandblasters may also work, but these are a lot more abrasive than water. It means it can easily damage the surface if done improperly.

Since liquid strippers and pressure washers may damage a masonry or brick surface, some may think twice about using them. A less intrusive but time-consuming method is applying the paste or gel on fabric and placing it over the surface. It allows the paint to be transferred to the fabric, minimizing the possibility of damage to brick or masonry.


A relatively newer method is by using a gel. It is considered the most versatile way of doing so. Its formulation allows it to be evenly applied on various surfaces, even vertical ones. It can also be safely used on metals like aluminum, wood, masonry, brick. It can even work on good products, including the Jasco Premium Paint and Epoxy Remover. Still, it may not properly work on plastic surfaces.

jasco paint remover

Give it enough time, and the surface will bubble up. It’s anywhere from just a few minutes to 24 hours. It indicates that it has separated and is ready to be wiped off. Its longer dwelling time will allow it to penetrate even thick layers of paint in a single application. While it is normally scraped off, the gel will allow it to be easily wiped off.

Gels can be used safely with different kinds of paint, including water-based and oil-based ones and even lead-based materials. It is because it can encapsulate lead, trapping it to the gel and preventing it from being released into the air. It does not contain toxic chemicals commonly found in liquid removers, especially methylene chloride. However, some of them may contain NMP. It is also known to cause health issues. Some are known to be odor-free, while some emit strong fumes.

It is safe to say that each method has its own set of pros and cons from all these. It is up to the user to decide what would best meet their needs.

What should be remembered is that all of them will require safety equipment, such as safety goggles and proper gloves. It includes masks and overalls or long shirts and pants. Even products marketed as safe or non-toxic may still contain toxic chemicals or compounds. It is always better to be safe than sorry when working on any surface.

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