Many people often ask divers if they are not afraid of sharks when they dive. It’s an animal with a sad reputation as a devourer of people. It’s because of films such as Jaws and who rises as one of the most feared beings on the planet.
Sharks are incredible creatures that have carved one of the worst possible reputations under the sea. Although many see them as murderous monsters, the reality is that there are about 70 attacks of sharks every year. Only 10 are fatal.
The most dangerous thing on our list that is more dangerous than sharks is obesity as it kills 300,000 Americans every single year. The second most dangerous thing on our list is driving.
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For more data, there were only 4 deaths per shark attack in 2016. It’s an insignificant figure compared to the eight daily deaths in the United States of people. They send text messages while driving, for example.
On the other hand, humans kill more than 70 million sharks every year for their fins and teeth. Some do it simply for sport. About one hundred million die a year, victims of illegal hunting or environmental disasters.
Moreover, they could be extinguished in a matter of decades. There is a pressing need to conserve these animals and their associated habitats to ensure their long-term sustainability.
Here are some interesting facts about sharks:
- They do not have any bones.
- Sharks have been around for a long time.
- Their skin feels similar to sandpaper.
- Most sharks have good eyesight.
The human being is a danger to sharks and not the other way around. Sharks are not as aggressive as they are painted. Rarely do they attack people. When this happens, they do it by confusing them with prey.
At that point, they withdraw quickly. We are not part of your menu. Of the 489 shark species that exist, only 3 are on the list of attackers. They’re the tiger shark or blue shark, the bull shark, and the white shark. The latter is the most dangerous.
In a recent ranking of the most deadly animals for humans, sharks do not even enter the ‘Top 10’. For example, dogs are the fourth most dangerous animal for man on earth. They are killing 25,000 people each year.
The animal that kills more humans each year is the mosquito since it transmits malaria and dengue. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), mosquitoes are responsible for almost 800,000 deaths a year. The animal that causes the second-highest number of deaths per year is man himself.
Here we show you a list of 40 things more dangerous for a man than a shark. Some will surprise you :
1 – Driving – More than 1.2 million people to die every year in the world in traffic accidents.
2 – Mosquitos – Mosquitoes infected with the malaria virus are responsible for almost 800,000 deaths a year, according to the WHO.
3 – Eating – The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that some 420,000 people die annually from contaminated food.
4 – Obesity – According to the National Institutes of Health, excess weight kills almost 300,000 people each year.
5 – Snakes – An estimated 50,000 to 100,000 deaths are caused by snake bites and other deadly attacks each year.
6 – Dogs cause 25,000 deaths annually. Many of them are due to attacks by street dogs or very aggressive.
7 – Lightning – According to different studies, 10,000 people die each year from lightning strikes.
8 – Candles – It is estimated that candles cause 10,000 fires in the United States alone.
9 – Flies – Tse-Tse flies cause approximately 10,000 victims annually. This insect transmits a sleep disorder that can become deadly after months or even years.
10 – Stumbling – Nearly 6,000 people die every year from tripping and falling. It’s according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
11 – Cell phones – Using the mobile at the wheel is one of the main causes of death. Every year thousands of people lose their lives by using their phones while driving. In the United States alone, 6,000 die like this every year.
12 – Raw meat – It is estimated that in the United States, 5,000 people a year die from eating contaminated raw meat.
13 – Scorpions – Its poisoned sting takes about 5,000 people a year.
14 – Poison – Nearly 4,000 people die each year from accidental poisoning. It’s according to the National Center for Health Statistics in the United States.
15 – Hippos – These animals kill about 3,000 people in Africa each year.
16 – Being left-handed – It is estimated that some 2,500 left-handed people die each year. It’s from using objects designed for right-handers.
17 – Traffic lights – In the United States alone, the lack of respect for traffic lights causes 2,000 deaths a year. It is a study from the University of Oregon that showed it.
18 – Choking – In Spain alone, about 1,400 people die each year from choking.
19 – Crocodiles accumulate more than 1,000 fatalities a year.
20 – Swimming – In Spain alone, 539 deaths from drowning in 2017.
21 – Falling out of bed – Each year in the United States, 450 people die because of this.
22 – Coconuts – They cause 150 deaths each year when they fall from the tree.
23 – Deer: Approximately 130 people die each year due to deer unexpectedly appearing in the middle of the road.
24 – Tigers – There are around 120 people who die every year due to the attacks of tigers. Most of them after provoking them previously.
25 – Ballpoint pens – They are responsible for 100 deaths per year. The main reason is suffocation when the lid is stuck in the throat.
26 – Elephants – Around 100 people die each year in clashes with elephants, mostly being trodden by animals.
27 – Lions register 100 fatal victims per year.
28 – Jellyfish – According to statistics, 100 people die each year due to jellyfish stings.
29 – Bees – According to the WHO, almost 100 people a year die in the United States due to bee stings. They cause 20 deaths per year in Spain since three percent of the population is allergic to these insects.
30 – Lawnmowers – Several studies indicate that approximately 75 people lose their lives per year. It’s due to accidents suffered by this machine.
31 – Stairs – In the United Kingdom alone, about 50 people die each year from falling off a ladder.
32 – Spiders – They kill around 50 people every year.
33 – Television -s With the advancement of new technologies and flat screens, the number has decreased. In 2009, some 30 people died due to the fall of a television.
34 – Ants – Fire ants are also known as red ants. They inject poison by biting, killing 30 people a year.
35 – Sofas and other furniture. The records show that 26 people die each year crushed by furniture.
36 – Cows – The anger problems of the cows are responsible each year for about 22 deaths.
37 – Celebrations – The ‘Daily Mail reports that more than 20 people die each year because of champagne corks.
38 – Horses – About 20 people die each year because of horses, only in the United States. It’s especially in rodeo accidents.
39 – Leopards – There are no official data. However, it is estimated that these animals claim about 15 lives in India and Africa per year.
40 – American football injuries – 12 athletes who play this sport die every year due to serious injuries. It’s according to an investigation by the National Center for Catastrophic Sports Injury Research.
When they ask us if we are afraid of sharks when diving, we can respond with arguments.
‘Bonus track’
The documentary ‘Meet the beast … DE CERCA’ is by Daniel Aldaya with Laura Madrueño. He is submerged with the considered second most dangerous shark species for human beings. It’s the bull shark. It’s done “to demonstrate its bad reputation is based on misinformation.” The report emphasizes the importance of these sharks for the balance of the marine ecosystem. It’s also to show “the beauty of these spectacular animals.”
Here you have an advance. It is worth seeing.